Official LE12 Test Images for Amlogic (Kodi-21)

  • Thanks. The annoying thing on my end is that lately I have to boot the tvbox, wait for like 5 minutes for it to show up on my router's connected clients or respond to a ping and, if it does not, then power it off, remove the sd and power it on again (and repeat it as many times I have to) until it connects properly.

    When I am updating it, I disconnect it from the tv, I get it close to my router so that the wifi signal is good. If I leave it on the tv, even the ssh section will be laggy.

  • How can I find the wireless chip my mxqpro4k uses? Is it realtek's rtl8188 or rtl8189?

    If that's the same device that you shared dmesg output from in post #73? then:

    [   11.276763] RTW: rtl8189es v5.8.9_35085.20190919

    The RTL8189ES/FS chips are all part of the same RTL8188 silicon series and basically share the same driver sources; except for a few card specific changes that require compile-time config flags to be set to 'type' the driver correctly to the card; the standard kind of "hack the existing code to work with the new chip" approach that Realtek has historically used that results in 30+ drivers to support instead of having 3-4 silicon-series drivers that use hardware detection to configure the driver appropriately. Fortuntely their new chips are doing that now, but there are no plans (as no commercial benefit to Realtek) for their staff to go back and create similar drivers for their legacy chipsets.

  • Errr... probably not. Here is the dmesg.

    In case I did not mention it before, I would like to add that the tvbox becomes visible on the network on the second boot and I don't know when it started. The routine is: I disconnect it from the tv, get it close to my router and then wait for it to show up under my router's connected devices so as to ssh to it and update it. When the boot takes more than like 2 minutes, I unplug it and plug it again, and it then shows up.

    In other news, yesterday I failed to install its stock firmware. That is why I asked for the wireless chip, Good thing it still boots from the sd.

  • Testing LE12.0 nightly (25-02-2024) on wetek-play2, ethernet does not work.

    At boot time appears the message: ethmactool-config service failed, and dmesg shows the next messages about ethernet:

    With LE11 Ethernet works on the same device:

    ¿Driver problem?

  • Are you running from eMMC or SD card?

    If using eMMC can you try installing a current LE11 nightly (to use an older u-boot version) and then update to a current LE12 nightly. Same problem, or does Ethernet work now?

    Running both LE11 and LE12 from SD card, can't install on the eMMC of my faulty WP2 :(