Libreelec settings don't display properly...

  • ...on krypton. Unless you're using Estuary.
    Tested on S905 and Pi3. I've tried at least half a dozen skins and the background only works in estuary, which means otherwise you're seeing whatever's on the page you loaded from. Not too bad if it's a relatively empty page but not ideal.
    Xonfluence in Jarvis:


    Confluence and xonfluence krypton (page visible behind):

    Also tried amber, mimic, arctic zephyr, titan and a couple of others - same.

    A couple of log snippets:

    Observations from those:
    1. There's a reference to 'videolibrary' - line 11 of service-LibreELEC-Settings-mainWindow.xml - that I think should now be 'videos'.
    2. Sticking a bg.jpg in resources/skins/Default/media/default makes it perfectly usable, ie that background loads, although you don't get the pretty header / footer / arrows.
    3. If I look in estuary there are a ton of references to '<include>DefaultBackground</include>' - can't see them in other skins...?

    I've about exhausted my abilities at this point - I'm no coder! - hope someone can look at it.

    Edit: just to add the logs are fairly old, still the same on the last Pi3 install v7.90.008 .

    Edited once, last by trogggy (December 1, 2016 at 1:02 PM).

  • Any bugs should be re-tested/reproduced with Kodi's default skin.
    If bugs only appear with other skins, it's not our problem. Simply contact the skin developer(s).

    If the problem still appears with Estuary, please report it.

  • Any bugs should be re-tested/reproduced with Kodi's default skin.
    If bugs only appear with other skins, it's not our problem. Simply contact the skin developer(s).

    If the problem still appears with Estuary, please report it.

    The whole point is it only works with the default skin.
    If there was a problem with a particular skin I'd address it there.
    In fact I did, when I thought the issue was just with confluence (and xonfluence, which is a confluence mod):
    Confluence / Xonfluence krypton bug / update needed?
    The missing bg.jpg is clearly nothing to do with the default skin. It's presumably a fallback that's supposed to be there in the addon.
    The reference to 'videolibrary' throws an error with the default skin.

    Seriously - if there is a problem with every skin except the default, and there's clearly at the very least a wrong reference (videolibrary) and a missing .jpg (referenced in the log) that would basically fix it for every other skin - you're not interested?

    Okay. I've fixed it to my satisfaction. And I've made the effort to do the right thing.

    Edited once, last by trogggy (December 1, 2016 at 2:30 PM).

  • Being the current Amber skin dev, I have to agree with this issue,

    It seems libreelec add-on was written only for estuary and is using estuary font names and estuary only included background names, this means it will break on most (probably all) other skins. see -> Merge pull request #20 from lrusak/estuary · LibreELEC/service.libreelec.settings@7b04bb8 · GitHub

    I find it a bit short sighted to say "it works with estuary, so it must be a skin issue" when its actually an add-on "issue", which basically forces ALL skin devs to put changes in their skin just to support this add-on, which to me is going a bit far....

    Just my 2 cents...

  • Being the current Amber skin dev, I have to agree with this issue,

    It seems libreelec add-on was written only for estuary and is using estuary font names and estuary only included background names, this means it will break on most (probably all) other skins. see -> Merge pull request #20 from lrusak/estuary · LibreELEC/service.libreelec.settings@7b04bb8 · GitHub

    I find it a bit short sighted to say "it works with estuary, so it must be a skin issue" when its actually an add-on "issue", which basically forces ALL skin devs to put changes in their skin just to support this add-on, which to me is going a bit far....

    Just my 2 cents...

    That's the thing. It was written for estuary but there's a fallback background. Which has been missed out - stick it in the libreelec settings folder and it works just fine.
    The skin dev I raised this with was much less polite about it than you. ;)

    Edited once, last by trogggy (December 6, 2016 at 9:52 PM).

  • Jester Skinning is not our forté so we would welcome suggestions (and ideally code) that make the LE settings add-on work better or behave neutrally with other skins. The add-on was originally created for Confluence and has been lightly hacked for Estuary (1) so I'm sure improvements are needed for Estuary (2) let alone other established skins like Amber/Nox/etc.

  • Jester Skinning is not our forté so we would welcome suggestions (and ideally code) that make the LE settings add-on work better or behave neutrally with other skins. The add-on was originally created for Confluence and has been lightly hacked for Estuary (1) so I'm sure improvements are needed for Estuary (2) let alone other established skins like Amber/Nox/etc.

    Understood, I will have a look at the code when I have some time over the weekend.