Update Libreelec 11.0.3 Generic-legacy via custom update

  • Hi, is it possible to upgrade LibreELEC and install Generic-legacy version 11.0.3 via manual/auto Update in Libreelec?

    Currently in Libreelec in the update section in "available version" the only version present is the 11.0.3 Generic and not 11.0.3 Generic-legacy.

  • would it be possible to create a link in the 'Custom channels' that leads back to my website where I could put the zip of the 'Generic-Legacy'? any option would be acceptable as long as it doesn't have to update via SSH

  • There is no spoon feeding guide, and I doubt anyone can be goaded into writing one. Last time I looked at the script it was fairly simple to read and figure out.

  • We can use the script in Windows? In Windows I installed Python then I downloaded the script and unpacked. but when I open the file "releases.py" in the script nothing happens.

    My goal is to update various intel nuc with Libreelec 11.0.1 and Libreelec 10.0.4 installed with Libreelec 11.0.3 Generic Legacy just by writing a url in the "Custom Channel".

    Edited once, last by orione7 (July 24, 2023 at 12:27 AM).

  • So does that mean I can't do anything? Isn't there a method to update generic versions with generic legacy via "custom channel" perhaps by directly inserting the Generic-Legacy link or the Nightly Generic-Legacy ?

    If I install Linux on another machine would you so kind to help me get the script-releases working?

    Edited 2 times, last by orione7 (July 24, 2023 at 2:29 AM).

  • Code
    cd /storage/.update
    wget https://releases.libreelec.tv/LibreELEC-Generic-legacy.x86_64-11.0.3.img.gz

    SSH into the box and run the above commands ^

    Then say out loud "fcuk me, that was so much easier than trying to self-host images and JSON files" .. and go watch a movie or do something fun with your kids/partner/pet.

  • Code
    cd /storage/.update
    wget https://releases.libreelec.tv/LibreELEC-Generic-legacy.x86_64-11.0.3.img.gz

    SSH into the box and run the above commands ^

    Then say out loud "fcuk me, that was so much easier than trying to self-host images and JSON files" .. and go watch a movie or do something fun with your kids/partner/pet.

    Classic. Wheel reinvention cancelled.

  • @chewitt

    Thank you for your reply. the problem is not for the devices with which I can access via SSH in that case I could also download the .gz and insert it directly in the "update" folder.

    The problem is update the devices of my friends and family and then out of my network .

    So if I tell them to write an address (url) in the "custom channels" they would be able, but definitely they do not have the ability to connect via SSH.

    That's why the interest in the script-releases that would allow me to upload the generic-legacy version in a site and then with a simple link url they can update easily (at least I hope).

    I would be curious to know why if I enter "https://test.libreelec.tv/releases.json" I see only the list of generic and not the list of generic-legacy instead via browser in the same address the generic-legacy are present.

    Edited 2 times, last by orione7 (July 24, 2023 at 9:45 AM).

  • The Generic build-system "Project" was organised into "GBM" and "X11" build-system "Devices" to emultate the build-system project/device organisation we use with ARM SoC images. This keeps the build-system compact, but the current update process only uses Project (not Device) when requesting update tar files; and the JSON data only supports the GBM files. In hindsight "Legacy" should have been done as a separate Project (as was done in the past) .. but it's a bit late now, and in the mid/long term the X11 image is hopefully dropped anyway.

  • No I have same problem. Even in the stable releases the Legacy-Generic are absent (at lease for those coming from the stable releases of libreelec 10).

    I think to fix it we need to create a new release.json. But nobody is so kind or enough patience to explain us how use the script-releases on github.

    If someone help us I can upload and sharing on my server the relases.json and the Legacy-Generic version

    Edited 7 times, last by orione7 (July 25, 2023 at 12:20 PM).