I want to install Chrome browser but the repositories do not show it. Must it be installed manually? If yes, how?
Chrome browser does not show up in any repo
Matze#12345 -
June 23, 2023 at 8:38 AM -
Thread is marked as Resolved.
The add-on only shows up on Generic-legacy images. So install that one.
I've installed the 11.0.3 generic legacy image found here using these instructions. I'm unable to find the chrome add-on. Would you point me in the right direction? I looked under program add-ons first, but have perused the other categories without any success.
EDIT: I was able to find it by refreshing the add-on repository. I right-clicked LibreElec Add-Ons and took the "Check for Updates" option. Chrome was listed in the program add-ons after the refresh.