[8.0.2c] LibreELEC 8.0 builds for KI Plus / KII Pro / KI Pro

  • I was about to test properly version 7.95.beta5N, when beta6 appeared. Really good work @afl1, your work is really appreciated.

    I wonder how do you update your box ? I'm not sure that I do it the right way. I'm still using a SD cards because of the frequent updates. I have two Samsung 32GB evo cards. Every new version, I took the previous card and prepare a clean installation using a win32diskimager. I backup the actual running one by copying the /storage to my desktop computer. I do not have much customization, so every setting is done manually and then compared to backup-ed configuration. Then I overwrite the tvheadend scans, mappings and fav groups.
    My friend pointed, that he's using this official method HOW TO:Update LibreELEC - LibreELEC
    Is this method safe for upgrading between the builds in this thread ? Does anybody do it this way ?

  • I was about to test properly version 7.95.beta5N, when beta6 appeared. Really good work @afl1, your work is really appreciated.

    I wonder how do you update your box ? I'm not sure that I do it the right way. I'm still using a SD cards because of the frequent updates. I have two Samsung 32GB evo cards. Every new version, I took the previous card and prepare a clean installation using a win32diskimager. I backup the actual running one by copying the /storage to my desktop computer. I do not have much customization, so every setting is done manually and then compared to backup-ed configuration. Then I overwrite the tvheadend scans, mappings and fav groups.
    My friend pointed, that he's using this official method HOW TO:Update LibreELEC - LibreELEC
    Is this method safe for upgrading between the builds in this thread ? Does anybody do it this way ?

    Look in this post #408.

  • Hi.
    I see there is communication tvheadend + oscam, but there is no reader able to descramble ecmpid. What kind of reader are you using?

    Here is a log from beta6:

    I use cccam reader. In both case with the same reader settings.

    Maybe in this case somehow disabled the cccam reader?
    "restarting decodingrequests after 0 ms with 1 enabled and 3 disabled ecmpids"
    what mean disabled ecmpids?
    or with LE8 will disabled the cccam protocol?

    Edited once, last by envagyok (February 13, 2017 at 10:36 AM).

  • I use cccam reader. In both case with the same reader settings.

    Maybe in this case somehow disabled the cccam reader?
    "restarting decodingrequests after 0 ms with 1 enabled and 3 disabled ecmpids"
    what mean disabled ecmpids?
    or with LE8 will disabled the cccam protocol?

    I use OSCAM using 4 CCCAM lines from a provider, and works fine on version I use: LibreELEC-S905.arm-8.0-devel-7.95.beta6-20170212173536.img.gz

    I have KII-Pro box.

    Only have problems on Tvheadend viewing streaming LAN at home (tablets and phones), when view HD channels (pixelates too much).

    Good luck.

  • I use cccam reader. In both case with the same reader settings.

    Maybe in this case somehow disabled the cccam reader?
    "restarting decodingrequests after 0 ms with 1 enabled and 3 disabled ecmpids"
    what mean disabled ecmpids?
    or with LE8 will disabled the cccam protocol?

    In my log is used cccam as a Reader-1.

    Disabled ecmpids looks like ecmpids filtering. Check in Files -> oscam.dvbapi configuration. For testing remove all lines (no filtering), save and restart oscam.

    Edited once, last by afl1 (February 13, 2017 at 12:22 PM).

  • In my log is used cccam as Reader-1.
    Disabled ecmpids looks like ecmpids filtering. Check in Files -> oscam.dvbapi configuration. For testing remove all lines (no filtering).

    oscam.dvbapi at me is a empty file (0 byte)

    How can we figure out what is the problem?

  • oscam.dvbapi at me is a empty file (0 byte)

    How can we figure out what is the problem?

    Check reader (cccam) status in 'Status', if reader is enabled, connected and has cards. If it is connected click on 'connected' to see all permissions.
    If there is no connection, try in ssh ping server, to see reachability. Verify ip config with ifconfig, arp and route, to see ip address and gateway.
    Also check your router for filtering tcp-ip communication.

    I use OSCAM using 4 CCCAM lines from a provider, and works fine on version I use: LibreELEC-S905.arm-8.0-devel-7.95.beta6-20170212173536.img.gz

    I have KII-Pro box.

    Only have problems on Tvheadend viewing streaming LAN at home (tablets and phones), when view HD channels (pixelates too much).

    Good luck.

    If you use WiFi it can be throughput issue, also don't use WiFi on box. Connect box via cable.

    Edited once, last by afl1 (February 13, 2017 at 2:02 PM).

  • Hi, I'm trying tvheadend 4.2 in DVB-S/S2 mode, it seems that everything is working well, I was just disappointed in the time length of switching channels. What are your seconds?
    For me it is aprox.10 sec :(

  • Check reader (cccam) status in 'Status', if reader is enabled, connected and has cards. If it is connected click on 'connected' to see all permissions.
    If there is no connection, try in ssh ping server, to see reachability. Verify ip config with ifconfig, arp and route, to see ip address and gateway.
    Also check your router for filtering tcp-ip communication.

    Reader status is ok, has 8 card, i have 3 other reader too with 28 card.
    Both reader is connected, become ip adress from ddns, everything working over ethernet.
    With same settings from same ethernet connector, wetek play oscam work, synology nas oscam, and old libreelec with k1plus work.
    When i change sd card with, then everything good, and the change sdcard to beta 8.0, then not.

    Here is picture from wetek play and k1plus oscam info:


    K1Plus with beta8:

    I tried with this build too:


    I lost all tuner except dvb-tTuner proble solved to update 8.1.110tvh from 1st post

    Edited once, last by envagyok (February 13, 2017 at 3:41 PM).

  • There is no beta8.
    Sorry, but you are only one who has oscam issue. Nobody else is reporting oscam problem. I am using same setup without any issue.

  • Oscam works normal on all images i tried.

    Basicly , you do not having card that will open channel ( that is error you get)

    With same settings wetek play libreelec 7.0.3, and k1plus libreelec work
    The same reader, what has problem with k1plus beta le 8 oscam, with the synology nas oscam, and wetek play oscam right work.

  • I also lost the internal dvb tuners except for the dvb-t on the beta6.

    Edited once, last by rosenrot (February 13, 2017 at 4:37 PM).

  • I also lost the internal dvb tuners except for the dvb-t on the beta6.

    Everything already solved :)

    For lost tuner, i already write: update tvheadend to 110 version from post #1

    For oscam problem:
    For some reason oscam normal protokoll isnt working (maybe file write privileges to /tmp/camd.socket ?)
    I switch to oscam net protocol with my ip or and voila work.
    I dont know why must use other protocol at tvh.
    I have only one thing in my wishlist:
    When i use both dvb-t and dvb-s tuner, how can i teach tvheadend to start epg grabbing, when i want to switch other source?
    So when epg grabbing at dvb-s, and i choose dvb-t channel, the muxer isnt can switch to dvb-t because dvb-s is reserve the stream with epg grabbing..
    or reserve..

    Edited once, last by envagyok (February 13, 2017 at 5:01 PM).

  • When i use both dvb-t and dvb-s tuner, how can i teach tvheadend to start epg grabbing, when i want to switch other source?
    So when epg grabbing at dvb-s, and i choose dvb-t channel, the muxer isnt can switch to dvb-t because dvb-s is reserve the stream with epg grabbing..
    or reserve..

    To use concurrently dvb-t and dvb-s you have to disable over-the-air epg and download epg from internet (e.g. webgrabplus).
    Anyway, can you make me favour and test pcscd-addon in beta6?

    I also lost the internal dvb tuners except for the dvb-t on the beta6.

    Upgrade tvheadend + pvr.hts from #1.

    Hi, I'm trying tvheadend 4.2 in DVB-S/S2 mode, it seems that everything is working well, I was just disappointed in the time length of switching channels. What are your seconds?
    For me it is aprox.10 sec :(

    At me 2 to 6 sec. Try to enable predictive tuning in pvr.hts.

    Edited once, last by afl1 (February 13, 2017 at 6:47 PM).

  • To use concurrently dvb-t and dvb-s you have to disable over-the-air epg and download epg from internet (e.g. webgrabplus).
    Anyway, can you make me favour and test pcscd-addon in beta6?

    Ok, I will test it.

    I don't know it is client or server problem:
    I use mostly over Ethernet the tvheadend service.
    K1plus is at my living room, but 70% I need watch TV at my bedroom with my S905 player /w libreelec 7.0.3 /w tvheadend client.
    I have many out of buffer error. With HD channel every 3-4 sec with sd channel every 20-30 sec running out buffer (vq level 0)
    This problem solved with workaround or wait for solve?
    I use it with wired network.

    Edited once, last by envagyok (February 13, 2017 at 7:57 PM).

  • I use a KII Pro as server connected with ethernet cable and the streaming of SD and HD contest inside home (both wifi and lan) work perfectly. It works very well also with tvhclient on Android phone.

    Inviato dal mio LG-D802 utilizzando Tapatalk

  • I am testing now to play two HD streams, one locally on KI Plus and one remote on S905X box using pvr.hts. On both streams are only a few drops and skips (mainly on startup).