Libreelec 11.01 upgrade crash

  • I use LE10 but i would like to upgrade it.

    When i install LE11.01 Generic Legacy i see only blink mouse cursor/arrow on black screen.
    When i install LE11.01 Generic i see Libreelec logo blink five times and then restart.

    My computer is:


    North bridge: INTEL 945 EXPRESS CHIPSET

  • Unfortunately the mesa driver for Intel Gen 3 GPUs is crashing.

    You can try the latest LE12 nightly from here to test a more recent mesa version. With the run option from USB stick your installation is not touched.

  • MatteN the retirement age in my country is 65;D but seriously, it's a small computer like a gamecube, and I like it.
    mglae When the wife will have a break from watching Netflix, I will test the nightly version. You don't think it's a GUI issue?

  • Wen i show logfile google bard, he said it missing UPower

    on second attempt bard said problem is on

    Edited once, last by 13lenar: Merged a post created by 13lenar into this post. (December 25, 2023 at 11:15 PM).

  • mglae I found the courage and using the YUMI program, I prepared a pendrive with the latest version of LE12 generic and generic-legacy... and it works. The system starts up... for both versions.
    i expected painstaking job of testing all night versions