Everything went Boom! PVR won't load.

  • Yesterday I added a new mesh unit to my home internet and then everything went boom. And not in a good way.

    It was an utter discombobulation: hue lights stopped working, address reservations rewritten, no WAN internet.

    It took a good while for me to figure out that the mesh unit had connected in Wireless Router mode and that this was the root of the horror show. I'm convinced that I selected my intended Access Point mode and that none of this was my fault, but then most likely it was sausage fingers strikes again.

    To restore normalcy I had to reset my router, mesh units and hue bridge, create a new wi-fi network, and then rejig various servers and misc devices. A few hours later and things were tickey-boo again. With the exceptions of LibreElec on my WeTek Play2 (8.2.5) and WeTek Hub (8.2.5). LibreElec installed on the eMMC.

    Both Wetek boxes will connect to the address of my NAS - same IP as before - and then reload my library. Though moments before the initial library population there was a notification that the MAC wasn't recognised. Everything works. Playback and updates AOK.

    What doesn't work is streaming Live TV from my Enigma2 receiver to LibreElec. The PVR add-on won't load. In fact, none of the PVR add-ons will load: TVheadend which I've previously used with both WeTek boxes issues the same 'won't load' report, as do all the other PVR add-ons which I haven't used but have installed as a test to see if they'll load.

    To investigate the issue I've:

    1. used the LibreElec settings to reset the Hub's LibreElec and Kodi to defaults. In the hope that everything would magically right itself. It didn't.

    2. tried streaming Live TV to my PC/VLC and phone. This works.

    3. installed the latest stable LibreElec 11 image on a RPi2. Live TV works. However, aside from being bogglingly slow, the RPi2 is being used for something else so it's not really a realistic replacement.

    Having spent a little time with the latest LibreElec I can see that it's a clear improvement over the quite dusty (8.2.5) version I've been relying upon. A new RPi4 + LE11 would likely be the best way to go. But unfortunately you can't get RPi4s for love nor money, can you?

    I could stump up £130 for a Vero4K and live with OSMC but then I really don't want to be replacing what has been and still is perfectly serviceable hardware for my use case. At least not if I need to find £130!

    The only sensible prospect is to have a go at fixing the WeTek boxes and LE 8.2.5.

    Does anyone have any idea where and how to start?

    And please be gentle if you can: I can find my way to the command line but will be utterly lost without guide ropes.

    Thanks in advance for any help and guidance.


    Edited once, last by Confused (April 24, 2023 at 9:42 PM).

  • Crikey-on-a-bikey this is embarrassing. I've found and corrected the problem. And it was sausage fingers to blame.

    Somehow when using the Kore app to add the PVR URL I inadvertently added an unwanted space in the URL. The errant space wasn't there in the PVR add-on's URL settings field so I had no reason to doubt there was anything wrong with the address, but the log report below reveals the mistake quite clearly. Sorry for all the bother.

    13:28:14.010 T:547858341888 ERROR: CCurlFile::FillBuffer - Failed: URL using bad/illegal format or missing URL(3)

    13:28:14.010 T:547858341888 ERROR: CCurlFile::Open failed with code 0 for http://192.168 .1.126:80/web/deviceinfo

    13:28:14.011 T:547858341888 ERROR: Open - failed to open source <http://192.168 .1.126:80/web/deviceinfo>

    13:28:14.011 T:547858341888 ERROR: AddOnLog: VU+ / Enigma2 Client: Open It seem's that the webinterface cannot be reached. Make sure that you set the correct configuration options in the addon settings!

    13:28:14.011 T:547858341888 ERROR: ADDON: Dll VU+ / Enigma2 Client - Client returned bad status (1) from Create and is not usable

    13:28:17.426 T:547858341888 ERROR: UpdateAddons - failed to create add-on VU+ / Enigma2 Client, status = 1

    You might also want to check-out dtech LE 9.2.8 release for older WeTek boxes.

    Thank you for pointing me towards the LE 9.2.8 release. It would be nice to have something a little more current to play with. Perhaps even LE11+.

    Before stumbling on my error above I thought it might be worth booting LE from an SD card. While 8.2.5 booted and worked just fine, I couldn't get anything from LE11.1.

    I've read through the wiki and assumed that WeTek LE11 would be plug-and-play with an SD card boot; you only need to change the image tree if you intend to install it to the internal storage. Is this correct or has my sausage brain messed things up again?

  • Thank you for pointing me towards the LE 9.2.8 release. It would be nice to have something a little more current to play with. Perhaps even LE11+.

    I would also recommend the LE11, but if you want to use the built-in tuner in your WP2, it will unfortunately not work at the moment.

    As a reassurance, I have the same TvHeadend (v4.2.8-36 and v4.3-6091) and Oscam version (2022-10-22) in my LE9.2 repo as in the current LE11.

    Leia might be out of date, but I'm updating some packages for it: https://github.com/dtechsrv/Libre…master/packages

  • As a reassurance, I have the same TvHeadend (v4.2.8-36 and v4.3-6091) and Oscam version (2022-10-22) in my LE9.2 repo as in the current LE11.

    An updated LE9.2 is certainly tempting. Though unfortunately I no longer have a built-in tuner. Nor do I have my Tvheadend server. Both went the way of eBay and then off to who knows where.

    However, it is apparently possible, via a convoluted and harum-scarumish process, to add Tvheadend to my Enigma2 server. Though with my record for unparalleled incompetence I'm not wholly confident that I can complete the installation without permanently banjaxing the server.

    I really rather fancy LE11. If only for access to the Hue Service add-on. It seems to provide a much improved Hue lights experience where you can opt for different lighting conditions for types of content: Movies, Shows, Live TV, Music. While I very much enjoy having lights that dim to 0 when a movie or show begins, it's not so appealing to be plunged in to darkness every time you want to check on the TV news. So that would be nice. But I suspect as it's a Python3 creation it would be an enormous and near thankless job to backport it to LE9.2.

  • Do yourself a favour. Get a Sat>IP tuner. Yes you could set up an E2 receiver for use but you need to know what you’re about.

    In all the conbobulation I noticed you still haven’t posted any logs. Possibly a full English complete with sausages muddied the waters somewhat or some naughty add-ons at work somewhere 😂

  • Do yourself a favour. Get a Sat>IP tuner. Yes you could set up an E2 receiver for use but you need to know what you’re about.

    In all the conbobulation I noticed you still haven’t posted any logs. Possibly a full English complete with sausages muddied the waters somewhat or some naughty add-ons at work somewhere 😂

    It's OK, everything is fine now: my WeTek boxes and my Enigma2 receiver are in perfect harmony.

    If you take another look above you can see I posted a short portion of the log that shows what an enormous idiot I am. After reading the full log and discovering it was entirely my fault I didn't think it was worth bothering anyone with the complete embarrassment. I'd already made an utter fool of myself. Not only making and overlooking the most obvious of mistakes, but managing to fowl things up in exactly the same manner with two different devices. That there is a very special kind of stupid. In future I'll first assume it's my fault and look in to addressing the simple things before appealing to the gods of Dev.