No HDMI Output Since LE 11

  • I'm having a similar issue. I am using an older "broken" laptop with Intel graphics. I had HDMI video output on whichever version of 10 I was previously using (10.95.1, maybe?). I updated to 11, and lost video out of the HDMI port. Audio is passing thru the port no problem. I get video to the TV during boot at the LibreElec splash screen (and when powering down), but as soon as the Kodi splash screen comes up, it cuts out. Kodi is not showing me any options to routing video thru HDMI.

    I added "video=LVDS-1:d" to the APPEND string in /flash/syslinux.cfg, but nothing changes after I save it and reboot

    LibreELEC:~ # tail /sys/class/drm/*/status

    ==> /sys/class/drm/card0-DP-1/status <==


    ==> /sys/class/drm/card0-HDMI-A-1/status <==


    ==> /sys/class/drm/card0-LVDS-1/status <==


    ==> /sys/class/drm/card0-VGA-1/status <==


    Thank you for any wisdom you may have to share! :)

  • Code

    ^ remove the current video= string and use that. What happens?

    I was hopeful, but no change.

    Maybe you switched from x86 Generic-legacy to Generic since the update.

    Use Generic-legacy. You can apply the update folder method to switch.

    I used the update channel in LibreElec config tool, but it does look like I am using 11.0.1 Generic.x86_64

    I tried the legacy image, that did the trick! My laptop doesn't have nVidia, but I guess it qualifies as an "older PC" :)

    Thank you both!!