What is a good Bootable USB OS that allows me to edit files ?

  • Im having problems with the bootable OS's that I have allowing me to edit files on a hard drive. They can do many things but I just want to create/open a file like the Advancedsettings,.xml and make changes.

    What is a simple bootable program I can put on USB so I can boot into it and then edit and make changes to files On LibreElec that is not working?

    Thanks. :)

  • If all you want/need to do is edit files in the OS, enable SSH access and connect using PuTTY (on Windows) and use nano to edit files. It's a lot less hassle than (re)booting from another OS to make minor changes.

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  • knoppix or system rescue cd

    You did not tell architecture for usb bootable os.

    Base Librelec OS is not on generic file system. Other OS might see /storage configs, but not base OS.

    Edited 2 times, last by tokul (March 24, 2023 at 4:34 PM).