Xandr Replacement

  • I accidently updated my LibreElec ver 10.0.3 to 10.95.1. Since this update happen my TV is no longer getting signal and is only showing on the the Laptop Internal Screen. In the past I was able to do something with Xandr to disable the internal screen and leave the HDMI On.

    LibreELEC (official): 10.95.1 (Generic.x86_64)

    LibreELEC:~ # tail /sys/class/drm/*/status

    ==> /sys/class/drm/card0-HDMI-A-1/status <==


    ==> /sys/class/drm/card0-eDP-1/status <==


  • Code

    ^ Pick whichever connection you want to disable (HDMI or eDP) and add the relevant string to kernel boot params in /flash/syslinux.cfg to disable that output. This assumes you have an Intel or AMD GPU in the laptop. If it's nVidia; there is no GPU support in the Generic image now that we switched to GBM/V4L2 graphics and you will need to use the Generic-Legacy image that heitbaum mentioned.

  • Thanks for the help, took me a few stabs at editing the syslinux.cfg but things are working now that I have the internal screen disabled. I think in Kodi 19 I had the option in Kodi to pick HDMI as the monitor output and couldn't find that in version 20. Now that I have added that line to the syslinux.cfg will that persist if I do an update to newer versions as they release?

  • Got a slightly newer laptop to replace my other Kodi device, and having issues again with the disabling the internal monitor. Found my old post last time I had issues only this time I can't seem to edit Syslinux.cfg it is saying it is a System Read Only file in ssh. I'm wondering if there is a different place I should be looking to modify now.

    I was trying to add APPEND Video=LVDS-1:d to the syslinux.cfg

  • Found the missing part that wasn't mentioned in this post, will add for next time lol

    need to remoint the flash directory with rw permissions then make changes and then remount with read only rights then reboot device

    mount -o remount,rw /flash

    nano syslinux.cfg

    mount -o remount,ro /flash