Initial boot of Orange PI3 LTS

  • Finally got my OPi3-LTS. Assembled it and downloaded the latest 11.0 Beta (LibreELEC-H6.arm-10.95.1-orangepi-3-lts.img.gz) to try. First boot results in a message at top of logo screen

    *** Error in mount_storage: mount_common: Could not mount UUID=2d187d5b-a18a-45e5-a167-2dc64c4a2c42 ***

    ### Starting debugging shell for boot step: mount_storage... tyoe exit to quit ###


    If I type exit, i get 8-12 more errors and then it just sits there

    Any ideas appreciated.....

  • Can you try to boot it several times? I saw such message only when I was developing support for it, but not with the latest images. Also, dmesg output would be nice. You can add ssh at the end of extlinux.conf argument list, which will enable ssh.

    chewitt this is most likely issue with power settings on PMIC.

  • Tried the editing of the extlinux.conf file on the SD (TF?) card with the results of:

    *** Error in mount_storage: mount_common: Could not mount LABEL=STORAGE ***

    ### Starting debugging shell for boot step: mount_storage... tyoe exit to quit ###


    corresponding extlinux.conf



    FDT /sun50i-h6-orangepi-3-lts.dtb

    APPEND boot=LABEL=LIBREELEC disk=LABEL=STORAGE quiet console=ttyS0,115200 console=tty1,ssh


    Don't know how to generate dmesg... Instructions..? Also, is it connected to the network at this point? I don't see it in the list of leases on my DHCP server...thus I don't think I can ssh to it...I have to transcribe the screen manually...

  • Sorry, I just realized that this fails early in boot, where there is no network drivers to load. For reference, you almost correctly edited extlinux.conf, just replace comma with space.

    I suppose you don't have serial adapter? That would certainly make it easier to access system even in such state.

    However, there is one possibility. Remove quiet from APPEND line in extlinux.conf. It should print much more info, hopefully also error messages. In the mean time, I'll take a look at schematic.

  • jernej

    Both with and without quiet, errors as above with unable to mount (message is same, UUID is different from above)...

    jernej Just to verify, I'm downloading the img.gz file, running the LE USB SD creator pointing at that downloaded file with the SD card as the destination. and then removing the sd card from my windows machine and inserting into the OPi3 and turning that on. Basically no other prep or manipulation to the img.gz than what gets done by the LE USB/SD creator...correct?

    BTW....Thanks VERY much for all your help on this...


    Edited once, last by spschneer: Merged a post created by spschneer into this post. (February 24, 2023 at 6:52 PM).

  • I actually don't know anything about LE USB SD creator. I always unpack images and write them with dd to SD card under Linux. In any case, image is booting, so it's written correctly.

    I just retested above image on fresh SD card and it works fine, so there must be some difference. Can you test some other SD card? What kind of SD card are you using? Another thing to try would be removing quiet console=ttyS0,115200 from extlinux.conf. This should produce additional messages on screen.

    EDIT: For some reason, this still doesn't print all messages on screen. From this point on, it's only possible to debug using serial adapter...

  • The SD card I'm using is a 16GB SanDisk UltraPlus (and it appears to format/load properly under Windows 10 Pro)... When I get a few minutes, I'll load another SD card and see if that makes a difference...

    As best as I can tell, the LE USB SD creator does the following:

    Partitions the SD card properly (512 MB FAT (Active partition), 32 MB Fat (swap space), 14.2 GB Unallocated.

    Writes the contents of the "OS" onto the Active partition

    Do you do anything else when you prepare a SD?

    I think that might be it...Maybe check with chewitt to see if there's anything else/wrong...I use it as a "standard build tool" for anything to do with LibreElec since it pretty much works seamlessly and without problems (until now).

    As I mentioned in another thread, I've been using Cubox (only) and they work perfectly; BUT they're not available/supported/current so I'm looking at something different. I really wanted a Rpi but couldn't find one for less than an arm & Leg so looking at alternative threads, I saw the nice words you said about the Orange Pi 3 LTS (as well as some other folks), and went ahead and got one (after a minor detour to a Chinese mini-pc that had a few things wrong)....

    Is there any "easy" way to set up the serial adapter to do the debugging? I'm not sure what you mean ... I do have a spare keyboard, mouse and VGA monitor that I can hook up to the OPi as a "stand-alone" PC...would that help?


    Tried a different SD and got the same results and same message...Could not mount UUID

    Edited once, last by spschneer: Merged a post created by spschneer into this post. (February 24, 2023 at 8:03 PM).

  • As best as I can tell, the LE USB SD creator does the following:

    Partitions the SD card properly (512 MB FAT (Active partition), 32 MB Fat (swap space), 14.2 GB Unallocated.

    Writes the contents of the "OS" onto the Active partition

    Do you do anything else when you prepare a SD?

    No, that's all.

    I saw the nice words you said about the Orange Pi 3 LTS (as well as some other folks), and went ahead and got one (after a minor detour to a Chinese mini-pc that had a few things wrong)....

    Mine works pretty well, minus occasional boot hiccup, but reboot mitigate it. Thing is that OrangePi 3 LTS support is pretty new and I'm working on solving all kinks. Your issue is pretty unique and hard to solve since I can't reproduce it.

    Is there any "easy" way to set up the serial adapter to do the debugging? I'm not sure what you mean ...

    You have to have it first. Check ebay under "uart adapter". Alternatively, you can use some other SBC with 3.3 V UART lines.

    I found another possible explanation. Replace sun50i-h6-orangepi-3-lts.dtb with this one: This will lower max. possible SD card speed, which has more chances to work.

  • If you’re using Windows 10 download the tar, use 7 Zip to unpack it and Win32 Disk Image to write it to SD card. You might want to use SD Formatter to ensure the SD card is spotless before starting though.

  • Well, Using a combination of the LE SD USB tool to format/define the partitions and overwriting the contents of the 512 MB partition with the Win32 Disk Image tool, IT WORKED...I now have LE installed onto the OPi3-LTS....YEAH ... HOORAY...

    Now I've got to remember all the configuration of LE to get it all working but I've got the LE desktop ....


  • It’s amazing how many installations fail to perform as expected with either poorly unpacked image files and/or poorly written images to SD card. The frustrating part is you just don’t know and spend hours making changes to the application. The finger usually points to SD cards as a last resort. Thankfully not in this case.

  • Code
    I've had the motherboard for a long time and I've never experienced those problems that you say. Only at the beginning that I did not have ethernet and it could not be used for LibreElec but thanks to this magnificent team they managed to make gigabite ethernet work.
    Now I can use the board without problems and with a stable connection.
    The other day they got the wifi to work over USB since my adapter was not compatible. But they still managed to make it work. Too bad it's only 100Mb/s and no more. But hey at least the wifi works that way.
    For all this, the only thing left for me is to say THANK YOU for the dedication.
  • Definitely something very strange going on with my (micro)SD cards...I got the one SanDisk Ultra to work (see above) just fine. I decided I wanted a backup just in case...Tried a standard SanDisk (not ultra) as well as a Patriot and both had problems...The LE USB-SD creator would get to 97% and then stop with an error writing to disk. I tried the Win32 Disk Image tool and it had the same issue. I ran several utilities (disk manager, file manager - both Windows 10 Pro) to re-format and/or re-partition/reformat(regular not quick) and they worked fine without finding any disk problems on either SD card but then trying to run Win32 DI it failed with a disk write error at 97%.....Seems kind of strange that only some of the tools see a problem while others seem to find them just fine.....

    Also, I began configuring Kodi and couldn't get it to see my network server (which contains the media). Also, had problems with setting the userid/password for Kodi to talk to the network server...Is there a new "strong password" requirement in Kodi? I tried my userid/password from my windows machine to my server (in ssh) and it worked just fine...when I tried to use that in configuring Kodi (to access the media storage), it told me it was too "weak" . This appeared to be within Kodi since I had not yet fully entered the file-server's path to get to the videos/music/photo storage locations.....

  • Users waste an inordinate amount of time fretting about this or that tool for creating the SD card; and in 99.999999% of cases it's irrelevant to LE use because unlike other distros where it might have influence; we aren't converting a bootable ISO into a bootable USB, we are using an image explicitly designed for SD card boot.

    The one thing that can sometimes influence boot and/or help with triaging boot issues is using a really old SD card; one that doesn't support fancy high-speed modes that might not always be supported well or require higher stability on the mmc bus.