Today I've upgraded from LE 10 to LE 11 Beta 1. Im using RPi 4B.
I'm using an HDMI Audio extractor for feeding my 5.1 system with analogue audio.
When the Audio device isn't held active, the Audio Extractor will feed popping sound (exactly) every 2 seconds.
With LE10 this was the case while booting (from POST to Matrix Boot Logo) then "keep audio device active" kicks in, stopping the popping sound.
With LE11 the "keep audio device active" doesn't seem to work anymore correctly. Tried with Official release and with current nightly:
With current Official Beta 1, initially "keep audio device active" is working. But after media stops, popping issue is back - keep audio device active no more working until restart.
With current nightly, keep audio device active isn't working at all anymore. Popping sound continues until there is some media played.
Is there anything technical I could supply you with? Logs etc?
Just noticed: Only the "Always" option doesn't seem to work right anymore. When I select "x Minutes" instead, audio device will be held active correctly. Maybe this narrows down the issue a bit. But this isn't a workaround for me - because it only lasts 10 minutes at max.