LibreElec 11 - mysql

  • Hi, i tested the latest LE 11 nightly. Sadly movies and series database folders from the mysql database are without content.

    I can reach the nfs files directly, playing a video file was also not possible.

    I use LE 10 official on two rpi4´'s with pxe tftpboot (symlinked directorys) and mysql database.

    If i use the existing home from LE 10 --> Movies and Series have no content.

    If i let LE 11 create a new home directory, and copy advancedsettings.xml to to .kodi/userdata i have the same result and a welcome dialog :)

    Do you have any advice how to debug mysql connection in LE11?

    here the errors in kodi.log

    here is my advancedsettings.xml

    Edited once, last by Schnabulator (January 20, 2023 at 6:34 PM).

  • Hi!

    I tried this on my Raspi 4 with libreelec 11 - but I got: "-sh: mysql_updgrade: not found" (same with "mariadb-upgrade). Is there no "mysql_upgrade" possible?

    Thanks a lot!


  • Thanks a lot - but - uhh -that's the problem! I run a mariadbserver und my central RPi 4 with and since LE 9 - not a "client" as I'd like to say!

    Upgrading the DB server was never a problem: from Kodi 17->18, 18->19, but 19-20: from LE 10 to LE 11 is failing - as I described it in my threads.



    Edited 2 times, last by MacNoname (March 19, 2023 at 6:10 PM).

  • I am also having this problem in various forms. I tried the directions after hours of searching and playing and still cant figure out what im doing wrong.

    trying to update database that is on libreelec mariadb docker via libreelec.

    login but cant do mysql update...

    my database 119 is there when i login using heidisql and it works fine when accessed via devices for version 19

    when trying to upgrade something goes wrong so i am sure i need to try the update db thing.

    from the kodi linked article:

    on my mariadb ran the following commands.

    donald@ubuntu:~$ docker exec -it mariadb /bin/bash

    root@mariadb:/# mysql_upgrade -h127.0.0.1 -P 3306 --protocol=tcp -uroot -p

    my database is on my pi that i am trying to upgrade. from putty doing :

    LibreELECkitch:/ # docker exec -it mariadb /bin/bash

    Error response from daemon: No such container: mariadb

    which means i cant go any further

    i have granted super user priv but also this problem....

    LibreELECkitch:/usr/bin # docker ps


    2dcc801679c7 adguard/adguardhome:latest "/opt/adguardhome/Ad…" 7 months ago Up 7 months>53/tcp, :::53->53/tcp, 67-68/udp, 443/udp, 443/tcp, 784/udp, 853/udp,>80/tcp, :::80->80/tcp, 853/tcp, 3001/tcp, 3000-3001/udp, 5443/tcp, 5443/udp,>3000/tcp,>53/udp, :::3000->3000/tcp, :::53->53/udp, 8853/udp, 6060/tcp adguard

    even though maria db is running it doesnt show the container...obs am running adguard too.

    i have even tried custom databases and that seems to work but i lose all the watch history if i start over. I think i just need the right command to try and update my db i guess? I have tried on several different client machines but cant get a working 121 database.

    in case i didnt mention it, this is using the docker linuxserver mariadb addon that we can get for libreelec

    thanks in advance for the help...

  • Thanks! Thats approximatly the same problem I have - except I do not use docker. But the rest sounds exactly what I've tried....

    I jsut couldn't imagine that I'm the only one who'd has this problem.... :)



    Edited 2 times, last by MacNoname (April 15, 2023 at 10:08 AM).

  • Hopefully somebody can give some answer. I have dug through most on this and other websites and dont know what im missing but so far no idea about the docker thing either. im guessing maybe its one of those listed but doesnt show and a week later still no closer to finding out how to fix.

  • I ran into an issue when I was getting all my heads on the same version (v11), and my library cleans just weren't working.

    Out of a last option, I logged into PHPMyAdmin and low and behold, the account Kodi uses to access the DB had no access to the very DB that it needed access to! Perhaps it was my error when I originally set up MariaDB. Maybe I mistakenly didn't give that user account "Administration" permission which it would need. Looking back at it, it makes sense. When Kodi gets a full version update, it needs to create the new version of the DB and migrate the data over from the old DB version (aka MyVideos119).

    I fixed that up, ran library updates and then a clean operation. Then I ran ' P' and then finally, ' C' (< on all systems accessing the same DB I should add). Seems to have cleared up the problems that I was having.

    Yeah, it makes the account very powerful. But maybe just have this server for Kodi's use.

  • Just wanted to add for anyone who might come across this later and have the problem i had and have docker version of mariadb....after updating to 11.0.1 and downloading the updated docker addon and mariadb addon I was finally able to fix the db...Whew.

    After updating everything, ssh into the pi and ran docker ps...that still gave the weird reading where it doesnt show the container as shown earlier, but then just running