Help find EDID from monitor

  • Hi.

    How can I get to know the EDID from my monitor detected on LibreElec?

    I looked into the logs and honestly couldn't find it.

    And since LE is stripped of extra packages I decided to come here and ask for help finding it.

    How can it be done?


  • After I went through the create edid process, I used the following command to check the contents.

    edid-decode ~/.config/firmware/edid/edid-HDMI-A-1.bin

    Change to edid-HDMI-A-2.bin if checking second hdmi port

  • You can use the internal script "dump-active-edids" (it's used by "getedid" on RPi) to write the edids of all connected displays to /storage/.config/firmware/edid

    It'll tell you which HDMI/DisplayPort/... connections it detected, for each one it created a edid-<NAME_OF_CONNECTOR>.bin file - which you can then simply decode with edid-decode.

    eg here on RPi4 with one display connected to the first HDMI port (edid-decode cut down for brevity):

    You could also check through all the connectors in /sys/class/drm/, verify if the status reports "connected" and then use the edid file from there (eg /sys/class/drm/card0-HDMI-A-1/edid) - this is basically what that script does - but as card, and connector names may change it's probably easier to let the script deal with that :)

    BTW: so far we only tested the script on RPi, it should work on all other devices though, so if you have issue or notice something odd please tell us about it so we can fix/improve it.

    so long,


    so long,


  • Thank you HiassofT

    It worked.

    I'm running only on the RPi.

    More precisely RPI3B+ with the latest LibreElec Test Build.

    Linux LibreELEC 6.1.0 #1 SMP Wed Dec 28 22:56:30 UTC 2022 armv7l GNU/Linux

    And I can confirm that it is working.