Help Power On the Device with Remote

  • Hi,

    i am able to shut down the device, which i configured with the keymap editor addon.

    My Problem is to Power on my device. In keymap editor there is no option for that.

    Does anyone have an idea to configure the red button to power on ?

    I own a minix remote. I run LE on beelink ap34 with apollo lake chipset.

    Thanks in advance!

  • RF dongle located in one of the two battery compartments located on the keyboard side.

    Is the Minix remote (re)programmable? (to send a specific wake code) .. and does the Beelink box have a power-on/wake IR code?

    Where can i check it, could you give me more information?

  • It is not in standby mode. It is completly shut down. Any idea to send the magic packet to power on? As i said Power off works which i edited in keymaps editor.

  • Kodi has no power-on action ID, so that's a hardware-specific thing.

    First you should check whether any remote key action will be received after shutdown (trigger a script that writes a file).

    If the box still receives key action on that state, then put a wake-on-lan into the script.

    If that doesn't work, replace your RC by a smart phone / tablet with a Kodi remote app (Yatse). This should work with wake-on-lan.

  • It sounds so complicated. You guys need to be honest when releasing Generic stable versions. No Nuc , No intel... can handle this Problem?! Even if i send a wake on Lan , this means more skills to do that. And Yatse is no option for me.

    I just want to get working my remote. For sure i can press the power button manually but it is annoying.

    So from default it will not work? It is not supported by LE stable versions?

  • It's really a tough problem, because power-on is so hardware-specific. I remember that some Raspberry Pi users made it work with additional hardware. But on Intel out-of-the box? Nope.

  • It sounds so complicated. You guys need to be honest when releasing Generic stable versions. No Nuc , No intel...

    It sounds so complicated.

    It's not complicated, just try to understand how it works...

    The remote commands are received by the hardware (in your case beelink ap34) and processed by the software (LibreElec - Linux).

    The shutdown works, because all is on, the hardware with loaded software... when you want to power up... no software loaded to process that command... And that it's not only for this hardware, it's same for Raspberry and others.

    Even if i send a wake on Lan , this means more skills to do that. And Yatse is no option for me.

    I just want to get working my remote. For sure i can press the power button manually but it is annoying.

    If for you is too hard to learn a bit about your device (wake on lan options), and this is so "annoying", please think about the houndreds and thousands of hours what developers spent to made this Libeelec, free...

  • Power Off is simple to handle because there's a functioning OS that can be (re)programmed to deal with whatever IR or RF keyboard codes the remote sends to run a shutdown. Power On requires something to always be powered and listening/waiting for a specific IR code; that wakes the internal power circuits to (re)start the device. And yes, about 95%+ of all hardware used for LE (all RPis, all NUCs, etc.) do not have that little extra circuit that remains powered to switch things on again. RPi devices can be modified with an add-on board that hosts an IR receiver and a small power circuit that's always-on and provides board power via the GPIO pins. There are IR/remote add-on "lids" for some NUC devices too; but rather expensive.

    TL/DR; If the Beelink box has an IR wake function? you might be able to get a programmable IR remote and configure it to wake the box. I'm quite sure the Minix remote is not programmable though, so even if it does have one you're not going to make that combo work.

  • I have an old Intel NUC and have been using "Suspend" instead of Power Off. It draws very little power and works flawlessly. When the power in your house goes out, you must remember to power on using the button on the device when the power in your house is restored. Do all devices support Suspend?

  • I have an old Intel NUC and have been using "Suspend" instead of Power Off. It draws very little power and works flawlessly. When the power in your house goes out, you must remember to power on using the button on the device when the power in your house is restored. Do all devices support Suspend?

    How much ,,Watts'' are consumed while in suspend mode? Do you tested it?