Lost 1080p

  • I have been running Kodi in Openelec 6.0.3 with an Intel i3 540/Intel H55 chipset motherboard. It's connected to my AVR by HDMI. I just did a migration to LibreElec 7.0.2 by doing a manual update in the /storage/updates directory. Everything updated fine but when it restarted I lost the video. I connected a second VGA monitor to see what had happened. The video output was still set at HDMI 1080p/24 but I wasn't getting any output (the TV displayed "signal out of range"). I tried 1080p at 30 and 60 but still no picture. I finally brought it down to a lower resolution and it works ok at 1280 x 720p/60. Is this just a bug in LibreElec presently? The 1080p24 was running fine in Openelec.

    debug log: RjIQ
    GPU: Mesa DRI Intel Ironlake Desktop

  • It's probably not directly related to your video problem, but a Kodi system carrying that many illegal repositories is bound to have problems sooner than later.

    Start with a fresh install and no other addons. If your video problem persists, send in another kodi.log file.
    If you keep those repos/addons on your system, support ends right here.

  • 7.90.008 8.0 updated on R-Pi2 yesterday (from OE)

    Almost all video resolutions have pixelation or do not display at all.

    The only resolution that I can use is 1280 (x 768 gives best result it seems)

    In addition the BBC HD channels have 'out of sync' sound.

    Edited once, last by JohnBoyz (November 24, 2016 at 2:32 PM).

  • I found the cause of my video pixelation ......... the HDMI cable, which strangely is good when used with other devices, but not with this Pi.

    Changing cable cured the video problem. Audio sync is still a problem on a small number of HD channels.