Youtube doesnt login anymore

  • Since today i get this error message when opening the Youtube app:

    LoginException: [400] invalid_grand Token has been expired or revoked

    Now i have to say, that a day or 5 ago i installed Kodi on a pc and copied the api_keys.json & access_manager.json from Userdata\addon_data\ folder to the pc folder for Kodi... Launched and got almost the same error, but on the raspberry pi it worked fine for days after that.

    Suddently today it doenst show the content of the youtube lists (subcriptions etc)

    - I tried to restore and old backup from 1 month ago

    - I checked if those files still exist (Userdata\addon_data\ (sjon files)

    - i use LibreELEC 9.2

    - 2 factor login in the yt app doesnt fix this ether.

    I dont thing a newer version will fix it, because on the pc i get almost the same error.

    I do believe it's an error like it said: token envoked, so i need to re-enable it in some sort of way (if i am correct)

  • You might get better help over at the Kodi / YouTube Addon Forum page. Your problem sounds similar to others reported there. Some of those started working again after a day or two without doing anything. Good Luck

  • You might get better help over at the Kodi / YouTube Addon Forum page. Your problem sounds similar to others reported there. Some of those started working again after a day or two without doing anything. Good Luck

    Good idea, thank you :)

    Edited once, last by loek6000: Well, i've visited and but there are no deticated youtube support app forum, only a thread:, ive searched a little, but i didnt encouter the same issue from someone else.... (August 9, 2022 at 3:18 PM).

  • With copy/paste you may be pasting unwanted characters from the browser into the credentials field in the YouTube Kodi add on. It’s not particularly nice but to rule that out try manually entering the credentials fields in the Kodi YouTube add on.

    You may want to create a plain text file with your API credentials which you can use to directly copy/paste from to avoid this happening.

  • Thanx petediscrete but i always use notepad to enter those credentials. Never had any problem. Now i got plenty of problems with this app so much i reconcider closing Libereelec and try an OS like the raspian os. I'm getting really frustrated not having the fix for this, and i really really tried over xxx different method to overcome this issue, non of them work. I also tried to make new api keys from another gmail account and tried this on a regular kodi pc install, also same problems. so this is a kodi problem and i dont find the fix anywhere :(

    Just one thing maybe you can help me:

    the amount of letters / and numbers on every line:

    Client line code is much longer



    api_key: XXXXXXXXXXX (40)

    client_id: XXXXXXXXXXX (46)

    client_secret: XXXXXXXXXXX (25)


    api_key: XXXXXXXXXXX (40)

    client_id: XXXXXXXXXXX (46)

    client_secret: XXXXXXXXXXX (36)

    Edited once, last by loek6000: Merged a post created by loek6000 into this post. (August 10, 2022 at 6:50 PM).

  • Thanx petediscrete

    I already read most of it, and nothing works for me.

    In the past (when it worked) i tried different methods, but now none of them works.

    I followed this guide:…to-argon-273012

    then logged in twice but at the end the site gives me an error (…ame=DeviceOAuth)

    i tried and i tried, nothing seems to work

    I believe things at google changed in june about enable external apps (insecure)

    Get this error (

    error 403: access_denied

    The developer hasn’t given you access to this app. It’s currently being tested and it hasn’t been verified by Google. If you think you should have access, contact the developer ([email protected]).

    Edited once, last by loek6000: Merged a post created by loek6000 into this post. (August 12, 2022 at 3:32 PM).

    1. Go to
    2. On the top left beside the words "Google APIs" click the project dropdown on the right
    3. Ensure that your correct project is selected
    4. Click "OAuth consent screen" on the left side of the screen (below "Credentials")
    5. If you have not created a consent screen, do that first
    6. Under "Test users" there is a button called "+ ADD USERS"
    7. Type the email of the account you will be testing with, press enter, then click save.
    8. It should work now!
    1. Go to
    2. On the top left beside the words "Google APIs" click the project dropdown on the right
    3. Ensure that your correct project is selected
    4. Click "OAuth consent screen" on the left side of the screen (below "Credentials")
    5. If you have not created a consent screen, do that first
    6. Under "Test users" there is a button called "+ ADD USERS"
    7. Type the email of the account you will be testing with, press enter, then click save.
    8. It should work now!

    Yeah i am still trying to... will let you know what i encountered... thanx :)

    I have given up, tried what you suggested without succes thanx nevertheless

    Edited once, last by loek6000: Merged a post created by loek6000 into this post. (August 12, 2022 at 5:44 PM).

  • Ok, this i will do and that will be the last thing i try. I will make an new gmail account, activate a youtube channel, create an api for kodi, install kodi etc etc, all on a virtual machine. I will give it my best, if not, there is something else what is wrong.


    I've done what was suggested, but i already done that with the old account, guess the consent screen part is needed, because that wasnt in there with the 1st account i tried. Now it works with the new account, but i have to regain access with the old one with youtube...

    so thanx for the help :)

    Ok, everything works well. a advice for anyone who has the same probem: use google chrome portable. it seems a lot of cache was left in memory and set me on the wrong foot.

    Edited once, last by loek6000: Merged a post created by loek6000 into this post. (August 12, 2022 at 11:09 PM).

  • It pays to walk away and revisit the problem when your mind is clearer. I knew you’d get their eventually. Glad all is good now. Patience is a virtue particularly in computing.

    LibreELEC is rock solid so I knew the problem didn’t lie there.

    I’ve laid out some simple steps above that should help others who are struggling with getting the Kodi add on working in any Kodi distribution.

  • To add to this thread..

    I've made another user in Kodi / Youtube ("change user") which wasnt straight forward, yet with some difficulty i've managed to switch between two accounts and both are working correctly :)

  • a workaround could be using tubecast addon. In that case you just need to install youtube addon together with tubecast. API keys etc are not necessary so you will never have problems with them.

  • no, it's tubecast

    you should have android phone with youtube app that becomes remote control for your kodi's youtube addon, this is only reliable way to use youtube in kodi, imo, as it doesn't require any api keys etc

    btw there's another addon that works without api

    Duff You Adiós a la API de Youtube en Kodi
    Duff You Adiós a la API de Youtube en Kodi, disfruta de los videos sin ninguna restricción de calidad desde 720, 1080, 2k y 4k

    but it's not perfect, I was unable to get 4k resolution, and some videos doesn't play, but you can probably try it as well

    Edited once, last by rix81 (August 15, 2022 at 5:13 PM).