On a Raspi 2 with LE 10.0.2 I created the file yellow.xml in .kodi/userdata/keymaps:
The file storage/num_input.py is present and executable.
When I press the yellow key on my Samsung TV remote, kodi still switches to 'Music', which is the default action for the yello button.
On a Raspi 4 (LE 10.0.2) and on an Odroid N2+ (CoreElec) this works with the same two files as expected. Is there anything that can prevent kodi from respecting user defined keys?
Currently I am not on the location whre the Raspi 2 is working (my parents home). I am logged in via VPN and ssh. Is there a way I can simulate a certain CEC-keypress on command line? It seems that kodi-send can only send actions to kodi, not the keypress which should trigger the action.