Midnight command isn't running with 256 color skin

  • Hi,

    the command line file manager midnight commander is installed together with an addon (system tools i think). On my normal ubuntu mc is running with the skin modarin256.ini because the default skin is really ugly. But i can't start mc with the skin on libreelec (mc -S /storage/modarin256.ini). There is the error

    Unable to use '/storage/modarin256.ini' skin with 256 colors support
    on non-256 colors terminal.
    Default skin has been loaded

    Can i run the terminal in 256 color mode?

  • LE is only supporting a subset of terminals (linux,screen,xterm,xterm-color,dumb,st-256color). In most cases TERM=xterm is selected.

    You can install a custom termcap in /storage/.config/termcap and set TERM.

  • LE is only supporting a subset of terminals (linux,screen,xterm,xterm-color,dumb,st-256color). In most cases TERM=xterm is selected.

    How can i check whats used at the moment? "st-256color" sounds like 256-color-support?

    You can install a custom termcap in /storage/.config/termcap and set TERM.

    How can i install that?

  • How can i check whats used at the moment?

    echo $TERM

    "st-256color" sounds like 256-color-support?

    Yes, but only usable for the st terminal emulator.

    How can i install that?

    Copy the definitions for your used terminal to /storage/.config/termcap or use a complete one from a common Linux distribution. Then set TERM=xyz ("xyz" is a plyceholder for the terminal definition needed).

    For a temporary test just call TERM=xyz mc

  • This does not work for me.

    I created /storage/.config/termcap and have copied all the subdirs, but when i choose xterm-256color or screen-256color then mc can't find them..