Kodi Flickering TV Menu

  • Hi Guys

    Not sure if this is a Kodi problem, or a my PVR addon problem but when viewing a tv channel and then pulling up the channel list (left hand side), the menu starts animating/glitching back and forth when I attempt to change channel?

    Please see a link to a video showing the issue:


    Would be very grateful of any tips or tricks that I can use to resolve this problem. I am using the latest nightly build of LibreElec, 28th Jan 2022

  • I see flicking since the last ~15 nightlies during channel switching too, esp. with the remote's up/down key, but not (much) with a usual keyboard pressing the channel number key .., slightly confusing

    - it's nightly and alpha, so what ... ? - :cool:

    Edited 2 times, last by GDPR-7 (January 30, 2022 at 4:38 AM).

  • I see that since we switchted to gbm, additionally I have other variations with playback increased and audio drop out.

    I am not sure who to blame, I guess kodi - but not sure.

    vhgroup what HW do you use ?

  • ...

    I am not sure who to blame, I guess kodi - but not sure.


    it's my favorite too (esp. running all the new kernels, mesa, ..., but not GBM, on my desktop without bugs)

    A debug log when it happens may be useful.


    when the suffering is high enough :cool:

    Edited once, last by GDPR-7: Merged a post created by JoeAverage into this post. (January 31, 2022 at 9:56 PM).

  • Hi CvH I am using an old NUC (5i3RYK)

    As a rough guide it started happening on the first nightly I ever used :) 18th Jan. When I have some time I could install some older builds to find the exact day.

    popcornmix Happy to provide logs also... please give me a few days.

  • maybe this afternoon (outdoor doc date in 1 h)

    setting of hardware decode: isn't this all in one config file and if so: should that be uploaded.

    anyway: I'm running mostly the defaults and i915 firmware via boot parameter.

    I only see flickering during TV channel switching via number key with an PC keyboard, but (curiously) not when switching via up/down key on my remote.

    top and bottom screen area (width: ~ 5 cm) and the displayed number during switching is flickering until the tuning to the channel has finished.

    I "visual grep'ed" the LE git, but can't find what could caused the flickering, what I first realized ~15-20 days/nightlies back.

    I could be wrong, though, cause I don't use the keyboard often.

    All other things are fine !

    apart from my bug report:

    January 30, 2022 at 1:00 AM
  • don't known.

    vhgroup and CvH are working with a sorta "channel menue".

    cit. from github entry: "...switching from the menu to a channel"

    I guess the setting is meant to get a menue/popup window/channel menue (?!) before switching to a channel.

    Settings I made here:

    => PVR & Live TV

    and there

    - General => Preselect playing ... OFF

    - Menue/OSD => Show channel ... OFF

    Edited 2 times, last by GDPR-7 (February 2, 2022 at 1:17 AM).