Choosing media via andoid app

  • Hi there,

    posting my first posting in this forum, just a short introduction: Living in Germany/Franconia, 56 years old, working with linux since quite some years.

    Received my my first pi last friday and I am quite new to raspberry and libreelec.

    What do I want to do?

    In the livingroom there is a stereo and we had an IPdio Tune (appliance for webradio), which does not work anymore.

    So I decided to go for a raspberry with libreelec to listen to webradio and our music files, which are on some nas over here.

    I bought a Pi 4B and a IQaudio DAC Pro (Sound card).

    Installed libreelec 10.0.1 today and was able to see the music files and get some webradio broadcasts tuned in. Everything fine.

    Since I do not want to have a monitor/keyboard/mouse in the livingroom the plan was to use an android tablet to choose songs or radiostations.

    So I installed "Kore, official remote for Kodi".

    Being unsure, what I else would need, I installed on the Pi "Chorus, jez500 - 0.3.10".

    Meanwhile I found out, that another webinterface is also installed named "Kodi web interface - Chorus2, jezu500, Tema Kodi - 19.x-2.4.8

    Seems that they are both activacted at the moment (deactivated one to test, whether there is maybe a collision between them)

    In some description I found, that you have to activate the webinterface via: Settings > Services > Control

    Coming from the Root-Menu I go to the settings button (cogwheel) -> LibreELEC-Configuration -> Services and there I can see some buttons to active ssh, samba etc. but no httpd

    Directly in the Setting-menu I do not see any "Services"-Submenu.

    telnet ip 8080 or to other ports (80, 9090) says "connection refused", so I assume, no httpd is running.

    Maybe a stupid question: Does Kore need a running httpd on the pi or is there another service neccessary?

    To make a long posting short: What to I have to do on the pi and which app for the tablet do I need to control libreelec.

    Thanks in advance for your help
