Been very happy with LibreELEC for years, but after installing OpenMediaVault for my NAS, I am seeing a message attempt every 2 minutes from my LibreELEC Raspberry Pi to the NAS. I see the RPi's IP address in the diagnostic log of the NAS.
I have not done anything to the LibreELEC to make it aware of a new NAS but I guess it is browsing the network.
Thank you in advance.
Why is LibreELEC attempting to message my NAS?
MikeW -
November 26, 2021 at 8:30 PM -
Thread is Unresolved
no idea if it's installable on OpenmediaVault (wasn't it based on Debian ?), but to look into network traffic:
If you install network-tools on LE. I’m going to guess it in upnp / mdns
You could also create a pcap file and review via wireshark.
I had that in my mind, but couldn't remember how it was working
- old man, old limited "RAM" here -
Thank you all very much for your replies. While the network tools show the traffic, not sure I know why LibreELEC is showing up on the NAS diagnostics. Maybe it is just a general Network Browsing being performed by LibreELEC which OpenMediaVault is logging.
While the network tools show the traffic, not sure I know why LibreELEC is showing up on the NAS diagnostics. Maybe it is just a general Network Browsing
and AFAIK *why* the traffic is generated...