TV/AVR turns back on right after turning them off

  • I'm interested if this issue only occurs with AVR+TV. So connecting directly to the TV, (bypassing the AVR) is of interest.

    I'm suspecting the issue won't occur but it would be interesting (and simpler to debug) if TV switches on when directly connected.

  • Seems you are right, I could with a short test reproduce only with an AVR between the TV and LE-Pi. After some replugging restarting and redoing I got CEC to work with the direct connection TV <-> LE-Pi, "but" when shutting off the TV everything worked fine, no sudden turn-ons for the TV. ;)

    The log:

  • I have this issue with an rPi4 attached directly to the hdmi port of my TV. I don't have an AVR. It's frustrating as I can't seem to get it to stay off. I have been able to power the TV off and keep it off, most of the time, if I wait for LibreElec to go to dim, before I switch HDMI to another source and then power off. I have turned off switch source in LibreElec, but I don't think that had ANY effect. Previously, I had an rPi3 with 9.2, no issues.

  • I have this issue with an rPi4 attached directly to the hdmi port of my TV. I don't have an AVR. It's frustrating as I can't seem to get it to stay off. I have been able to power the TV off and keep it off, most of the time, if I wait for LibreElec to go to dim, before I switch HDMI to another source and then power off. I have turned off switch source in LibreElec, but I don't think that had ANY effect. Previously, I had an rPi3 with 9.2, no issues.

    Does reverting to 10.0.0 avoid the issue?

  • I got myself a new TV for Christmas, and with this TV I don't have any issue with the TV turning on again with LE 10.0.1.
    I still use the same receiver (and cables), so the only difference is the TV.
    r-pi4 --> Pioneer VSX-1131 --> Sony KDL-52W4500 - Problem with TV (and receiver) turning back on right after turning off.

    r-pi4 --> Pioneer VSX-1131 --> LG OLED65G1 - No problem at all with LE 10.0.1

  • I got myself a new TV for Christmas, and with this TV I don't have any issue with the TV turning on again with LE 10.0.1.
    I still use the same receiver (and cables), so the only difference is the TV.
    r-pi4 --> Pioneer VSX-1131 --> Sony KDL-52W4500 - Problem with TV (and receiver) turning back on right after turning off.

    r-pi4 --> Pioneer VSX-1131 --> LG OLED65G1 - No problem at all with LE 10.0.1

    Not that my kids would, but don't let the small ones read this (I would be forced to explain why they aren't getting their presents yet). ;)

    That is strange, as mentioned I have a new LG OLED65C1, just upgraded from a LG OLED55E7N (2017), and both show this behavior, attached to a Sony AVR. I thought the only difference between the C1 and G1 is the physical dimensions and the panel, but the hardware (CPU etc) and firmware is the same.

  • It is strange indeed, I can't say why it works now. But in the end I will probably ditch the whole CEC and get an universal remote.
    The LG remote is rather crappy compared to the old Sony remote. Only a couple of the buttons can actually be mapped.

  • I also experience this exact issue with an LG C9 and Yahama TSR-7810 AVR. It is 100% due to the change from 10.0.0 to 10.0.1. Disabling CEC power sync on the TV prevents it from occurring and reenabling and downgrading to 10.0.0 goes back to normal expected behavior. I have also made sure all CEC settings are correct so that there should be no signal to turn the TV back on after it's been manually shut down. This is a very frustrating bug and I hope that it can be addressed for 10.0.2. The HDR improvements are very desirable, but this bug breaks significant functionality regarding home theatre and trigger setups.

    I have also tried your latest build with the fix above and it did not resolve the issue in my setup.

    Edited once, last by Shazb0t (February 28, 2022 at 2:50 AM).

  • Posting to confirm that this behavior has not been resolved by 10.0.2. Is this just something that isn't considered an issue? It works fine with 10.0.0 and has now been broken in the last 2 releases. It is a repeatable bug and has been confirmed by multiple users. Really hoping that it's on the radar to be addressed. Thanks for the hard work you guys are putting in, other than that 10.0.2 seems great!

    *Edit: This may be premature. I'm going to run some more testing tomorrow to confirm if the bug still exists.

    Edited 2 times, last by Shazb0t: added a marked edit. (March 15, 2022 at 11:35 AM).

  • The fact work was done on this, and a test build was provided and no one commented for over a month makes us believe this isn't a high priority issue. Effort can be better spent on issues where we get some response.

  • The fact work was done on this, and a test build was provided and no one commented for over a month makes us believe this isn't a high priority issue. Effort can be better spent on issues where we get some response.

    FYI the patch in the testbuild 3 posts above is also included in LE10.0.2…nvalidate.patch

    But there's really not much more we can do if no one bothers to test the testbuilds we provide and post some feedback...

    so long,


    I'm new to this so bear with me. I tried the previous patch and indicated here that it did not fix the issue. Where in the future would you like feedback/response? Is this something I would have to do on Github?


  • Just post here in the forum - but please don't edit your posts if you add test results, always create a separate post with that info.

    We don't get any notification when you later change your older posts (only on new posts) so no one saw the line you added about one day later that the test build didn't work either...

    so long,


  • Hello everyone. I just created this account because I have the same issue and I am super willing to help and test since with very latest release, LE will be an almost perfect player for me since this issue is extremely frustrating.

    I did see that developers tried to solve the issue with a test build but so far only Shazb0t replied so I guess I have to do my part.

    My setup is RPI4B 4gb with LE10.0.0.2 connected to Sennheiser Ambeo soundbar which is connected by e-Arc to the Samsung LSP9T projector.

    After turning off the projector using the projector's remote, it does put the soundbar and the projector in standby and wake up everything a few seconds later. The only way to put everything in standby is to switch to another device (in my case a Fire TV stick 4K Max) and turn off from that. At first I thought it was a normal behavior since the only release I installed was the Before that I was using the Nvidia Shield.

    I tried several different settings in the Input CEC and choose to put the RPI in suspend, hibernate but it does not work.

    I regularly check this post and try the different build eventually as well as posting the log if needed.

  • I've since confirmed the bug still exists and is repeatable since my last post.

    I would guess that a large percentage of LibrELEC users who are interested in the newest builds due to the inclusion of proper HDR are also utilizing more modern 4K HDR TVs and setups with ARC/eARC and CEC integration for high fidelity audio solutions. From the various replies in this thread it doesn't appear to be brand specific on either the TV/projector or AVR/soundbar, but related to general CEC power sync. My guess is that people aren't being vocal, but a lot are affected. Whatever you guys need to help troubleshoot this, I'll help as best as I can. It definitely worked as expected in version 10.0.0, from 10.0.1 on something changed, hopefully it only requires a small tweak.

    Edited once, last by Shazb0t: Added clarification on bug status (March 16, 2022 at 3:32 AM).

  • Without waiting, please check my log on starting from line 7301 (I think) where I press the power button from my Samsung remote to turn off all the devices, then I press absolutely nothing and all the devices wake up. Then I just press some button to go to the Kodi Logfile Uploader. "Recorder" is actually the Raspberry device. Thank you for your help!!