LE 10.0.0 / Rpi4 - Random crashes

  • Hello

    I'm running the latest LE10.0.0 distribution on a Rpi4 (with Arctic Zephyr 2 Reloaded skin and its dependencies).

    Several times per day, the system is freezing, then crashes / reboots on a random basis.

    This happens randomly when the system is idle on the home screen or when I play music (Party Mode, Album, etc.).

    I never encountered these crashes when playing videos (movies or TV shows).

    I'm not really aware how to read and understand the logs. Would someone be kind to help me in order to find the cause of this instability ?

    Here is the system log : http://ix.io/3DPR

    And the latest crash log : https://pastebin.com/mTSKnLPt

    Thank you very much for your help :)