LE 10 on RPi4 - No success to mount USB-HDD on Fritzbox

  • Hi!


    This ist my firts thread ever in a blog, so I apologize in advance for any "false" or "missing" description here.

    I have experience in handling Windows- and Linux-Systems with SMB-Shares, but I'm not a real expert. So I tried several things in the last 3 days to solve the problem and spend a few hours in research in the net, without any success.

    I'm aware of that LE 10 is brandnew to RPi4, so I'm not expecting a perfect System at that time :) . But this bug looks strange to me.

    In short terms:


    1) LE 10 on RPi 4 since Sunday, 2021/15/08 (before that: LE 9.2.6/Kodi 18.9)

    2) FritzBox 7590, OS 7.28, WD USB HDD on Fritz.nas, share, user and pw are set on the FB.

    3) Every values/settings (especially SMB, Network) are proofed and worked fine since now. I know about the thousands threads in the net concerning problems with SMB1, Windows 10 etc., but this in definintly not the case here (or I'm totally wrong at all :-))

    Description of the Problem:

    1) under LE 9.2/Kodi 18.9 everythings works fine

    2) after succesful Update to LE 10:

    - Windows can reach KODI shares (an viceversa)

    - Windows can reach the USB-HDD at the FB

    - !! KODI Does not at any case!!

    - Log at the FB says, that theres a wrong pw (but correct user!) as the KODIBOX tries to use the SMB-Service/USB-HDD, but it is definity not the case! The user and pw are correct ,
    I proofed it several times. Also a test with a change of user and pw did not succeed.

    3) Within my research I found, that AVM banned SMB from their OS and replaced it to something called "NQCS", and that since then there were several othe Problems (wrong creation of ACL tables etc.) with SMB-shares in other cases, but I found no solution to mine. In fact, I believe that the problem refers to user/user-rights between LE 10 and the FB-share settings.

    4) I've found no hint for changing somethin at the FB configuration (that makes no sense in my view, since LE 9.2 wirked fine with FB OS 7.28...). I tried all combinations of SMB1 - SMB3 values on both sides (KODI (client and server) and FB, where SMB2/3 is since OS 7.x (?) bei default, SMB1 only to activate addionally, as far I understood all the manuals I read)

    5) I also tried several common changes within the smb.conf(s) on the KODIBOX itself - without any effect to the SMB behaviour (towards the USB-HDD/any share at the FB, any other share in the LAN ist reachable).

    6) Addionally things I noticed:

    - The KODIBOX ist not visible in windows network, despite the actual SMB supports WS-Discovery Protocol (which replaces NETBIOS functionality from SMB1- or am I wrong?).


    1) Does anybody else have a similar problem?

    2) Did I oversee something so obvious, that I didn't recognize it? (The Update went fine, so I didn't expect a mistake/change in the configuration terms from LE 9.2 to 10.0, which causes these problem)

    3) Is there another hint to look for?

    4) Is the only chance to return to my backup of LE 9.2? I can't believe, since everything else works perfect for me at the moment.

    Thanks for any help!


    EDIT: Meanwhile I came to know another user with the same problem.

    Edited 2 times, last by MacNoname (September 17, 2021 at 7:56 PM).

  • Always nice to see people solving their own Kodi problems. Did you change your password at all on the "server" end? Otherwise it's weird and would have been nice to know what difference the password.xml file now makes with the previous version.

  • Always nice to see people solving their own Kodi problems. Did you change your password at all on the "server" end? Otherwise it's weird and would have been nice to know what difference the password.xml file now makes with the previous version.

    Yes... :)

    What do you mean with "on the "server" end"?

    a) The FB? -> No

    b) Kodi/LE -> No (at least not on purpose) :saint:

    So ... it seems to be weired ... ?!

    Differences between files: It is difficult, because I changed/deleted the shares in the meantime (because I tried to find out, why the system ist not working) ... so the files are different ...:-/

    Therefore I analyzed the files if there are differences in control characters - but found none.

    The only thing I noticed now, that descriptions in EXIF data of pictures presented in slideshows, are presented wrong (German font, for example muted vowels -> no ä, ü ö, etc, instead some symbols), as all regional settings in Kodi/LE are "de"/"german" (like it had been before und 9.2.). But I'll try to fix it .... :)

    Thanks for your reply!


  • Hi,

    I have the same problem. The only difference is, that I use LE 9.2.8 and Fritzbox 7490 with FritzOS 7.28. I tried a number of settings of allowed SMB versions in LE. After finding this thread I also tried to delete the passwords.xml file, but nothing works. On Linux I use the same user/password without any problem.

    I'm not pretty sure, but I believe the problems starts after the upgrade from FritzOS 7.27 to 7.28.

    Does anybody has an idea to get it working again?


    Edited once, last by sindbad6 (October 30, 2021 at 7:11 AM).

  • Hi,

    I got an idea on my mind. Would it help to mount the device from the fstab? As I heard another samba-client would be used for that. So maybe it would help. I tried to edit the file with nano, but, got the message it is not editable. To say true I don't know why.

  • Sorry, needed some time to check it out, but the share is mounted now. Thnx both of you.

    Now I have another question belonging the point that the music library is now mounted on the terminal or let it call system level instead on the GUI of LibreElec. Means it is captured in the music database with the old share. I wonder how it is possible to switch the new share on system level. Specially without loosing all the manually adapted entries.

  • you can manually edit the databes files (sqlite editor like heidisql) but its likely easier to just rescan from the new location

    Thnx, but I suppose that works only for a local database on the raspi. Instead I use a centralised MariaDB database on an external server.

    Of course a rescan is also for this setting possible. The point is, that I spent a lot of time for the optimization of my music library and would like to avoid. Seems I have no chance to save my work. Right?

  • Seems I have no chance to save my work. Right?

    Doing a video/music database export (when things are running okay) always works as a good backup system.

    A remote SQL database you can always backup via sqldump or tools like PHPMyAdmin. And don't forget to include commands to recreate the tables.

    If you are familiar enough with SQL, then you can edit/change the paths in the various (4?) database tables.

  • Doing a video/music database export (when things are running okay) always works as a good backup system.

    A remote SQL database you can always backup via sqldump or tools like PHPMyAdmin. And don't forget to include commands to recreate the tables.

    If you are familiar enough with SQL, then you can edit/change the paths in the various (4?) database tables.

    Yeah, you are right. Backup system is a good advice.

    To say true for the moment I feel not familiar enough changing the SQL database table, but hope I can learn this. And I will make a backup before trying to change it.

    So thank you for the advice.

  • After thinking about the task to adapt the SQL-DB. Can somebody say me, where I have to change the directory of the library? I mean, it would help to know which table and field I have to look for and of course is it enough to change it on one place or do I have to edit more then one?

  • Kodi uses a relational database, but paths are used in various fields.

    It's not the directory of the library that needs to change. If you want to change source paths in the music database, then there are 4 tables to edit: art. path, source and source_path. Browse these tables with a SQLite tool, and you will see which fields need editing.

    Also there is the textures field in the local Textures13.db file. It also contains path references.

    Before you start hacking, make backup copies of the MyMusic72.db and the Textures13.db files.

    Also, have a look here: https://kodi.wiki/view/HOW-TO:Up…when_files_move