RPi4 is unreachable after TV was in standby for a while

  • Hey there,

    yesterday i upgraded from LibreELEC 9.2 to 10.0 on my Raspberry Pi 4 and now the Raspberry Pi is unreachable after a while when the TV was in standby and i turn the TV back on. It seems to be that the Raspberry Pi 4 has shutdowns.

    I use the exact same settings in LE 10 as in LE 9.2 and under LE 9.2 the problem never exists.

    I have a backup from my LE 9.2 installation, but before i move back to 9.2, i want to try to fix the problem.

    (I hope the problem is understandable, my English is unfortunately not the best)

  • I actually have the same problem on two Pi 4's. I am aware of this "Known Issue":

    • 4K50/60 output is supported by the driver, but has some known issues (eg “no signal” when TV is put into standby and back on)

    ...but I am not attempting to play 4K content. Is the "no signal" problem with 1920x1080 output also a known issue?



  • ...but I am not attempting to play 4K content. Is the "no signal" problem with 1920x1080 output also a known issue?

    No. We are not aware of any "no signal" / "RPi unreachable" issues at HD resolution (or 4k up to 30Hz).

    Even in case of the known 4kp50/60 "no signal" issue the RPi was still fully functional and reachable eg via ssh - just the TV didn't show a picture anymore. Changing the resolution to 1920x1080 (or 4kp30) eg via the Chorus web interface also brought back TV output.

    If you have a different issue then we need more info.

    so long,
