Help with Mecool K1 Plus

  • Quote

    Hi hudyj. I used the port closest to the TFCARD. It is the only one that triggers something in my Windows (new device attached sound).

    Regarding the cable, I used one cable from a cooling pad for laptops (no branded).

    I would really suggest you to try to use a UART cable, to check exactly what is happening with your device.

    Which version of usb burning tool are you using?

    I connect the 12V plug. This time I used factory USB A-A cable.

  • BL1:9ac50e:bb16dc;FEAT:ADFC318C:0;POC:0;RCY:0;USB:0;SPI:0;CHK:A7;EMMC:400;NAND:81;SD:0;READ:0;0.0;CHK:0;

    no sdio debug board detected

    TE: 2129999

    BL2 Built : 15:21:58, Mar 26 2020. gxl g486bc38 - gongwei.chen@droid11-sz

    set vdd cpu_a to 1120 mv

    set vdd cpu_b to 1050 mv

    set vddee to 1000 mv

    Board ID = 6

    SYS PLL lock check 1

    SYS PLL lock check 2

    SYS PLL lock check 3

    SYS PLL lock check 4

    SYS PLL lock check 5

    SYS PLL lock check 6

    SYS PLL lock check 7

    SYS PLL lock check 8

    SYS PLL lock check 9

    SYS PLL lock check 10

    SYS PLL lock failed! reset...

    GXL:Fixed PLL lock failed

  • hudyj

    How do you write the u-boot on the sd card? Do you have linux?
    Try the following steps:

    1. Determine the exact name of your block device sdX (sd card) with the lsblk command.


    2. Unmount the FAT partition of the found block device

    sudo umount /dev/sdX1

    3. Clean the unpartitioned area on the SD card

    sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdX bs=1 count=444
    sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdX bs=512 skip=1 seek=1 count=2047

    4. Write this binary

    sudo dd of=/dev/sdX conv=fsync,notrunc bs=1 count=444
    sudo dd of=/dev/sdX conv=fsync,notrunc bs=512 skip=1 seek=1
    sudo eject /dev/sdX
  • Quote


    Log is incomplete.The information about the platform in front of the BL1 is missing. Post the full log. Is that GXBB: BL1… or GXL: BL1…?

  • Every time the logs start at BL1: 9ac50e ..... with and without an mSD card inserted.


    I don't know anything about it, but I think this is the info you are looking for:

    GXL:Fixed PLL lock failed

    I have exactly the same box as the user creited "KI PLUS S905D 1G 8G DDR3 LR"

    Edited 2 times, last by hudyj (August 17, 2021 at 4:46 PM).

  • You are posting logs from 2 completely different devices..

    This is from gxl Platform:



    And this is probably gxbb platform:



    The full log would be helpful here. Take some board photos..

  • There are KI Plus boards with an S905 processor. A photo of someone else's board does not explain the difference between the two different boot ROM logs.

    S905??? No!!!

    It is definitely GXL, not GXBB. So the SoC is S905D (or X/W/L).

    See the first post in this topic (same message was at the first time):


    Second time... Your bootloader also contains this string:

    "Built : 15:21:58, Mar 26 2020. gxl g486bc38 - gongwei.chen@droid11-sz"

    Check the screenshot from PuTTY:

    Quote from PuTTY window

    GXL:fixed PLL lock failed


    So, what is the next question?

  • Second time... Your bootloader also contains this string:
    Code "Built : 15:21:58, Mar 26 2020. gxl g486bc38 - gongwei.chen@droid11-sz"

    Yes, I am aware of this. Here the gxl bl2 blob is loaded and executed because it used the bootloader I posted. However, this does not explain the difference described above. )

  • because I uploaded FW from an older version of s905

    Ah ok. But I still don't understand how flashing the gxbb fw could affect the boot ROM (BL1). Additional start devices SPI and NAND appeared in the BL1 boot sequence. Ok, let's assume - the card reader in your box is no longer working or the SD card is defective. This could lead to incorrect loading of BL2. I will create an aml_upgrade_package.img file and integrate the new u-boot. You will try to do the USB-burn via UBT.

  • Ah ok. But I still don't understand how flashing the gxbb fw could affect the boot ROM (BL1). Additional start devices SPI and NAND appeared in the BL1 boot sequence. Ok, let's assume - the card reader in your box is no longer working or the SD card is defective. This could lead to incorrect loading of BL2. I will create an aml_upgrade_package.img file and integrate the new u-boot. You will try to do the USB-burn via UBT.

    see the logs from UBT and aml flash tool from linux. UBT shows 0x10105004 error