Help with Mecool K1 Plus

  • Hi, I have a bricked box for few years that I could recover the access using UART.

    The box is Mecool K1 Plus. According to a label inside the box "KI PLUS S905D 1G 8G DDR3 LR".

    There is no VIDEO if plugged to HDMI. I have tried many recoverys using AMLOGIC USB BURNING TOOL, holding reset button (upper and down) but nothing helped for years.

    My box is recognized by USB BURNING TOOL without the need of pressing any of the buttons.

    If i just plug the box to POWER, UART says:


    I have tried several .img files, but any of them work with USB BURNING TOOL. Now that I'm able to monitor the box with UART, I can see that some of the img files tested produce diferent errors:


    no output on UARC

    KI_PLUS_DTV-LMY47V-20161123.203246.V1031P3.img produces:

    no output on UARC

    KI_PLUS_NEW_S905D.img produces:


    TE: 34706799

    BL2 Built : 13:38:48, Mar 8 2017.

    gxl g8e12692 -

    set vdd cpu_a to 1120 mv

    set vdd cpu_b to 1050 mv

    set vddee to 1000 mv

    Board ID = 6

    CPU clk: 1200MHz

    BL2 USB

    DQS-corr enabled

    DDR scramble enabled

    DDR4 chl: Rank0+1 @ 792MHz

    GXL:BL1:9ac50e:a1974b;FEAT:ADFC318C;POC:3;RCY:0;EM MC:0;READ:0;CHK:AA;SD:0;READ:0;CHK:AA;USB:8;

    KIII_PRO_AVL6862-NHG47L-20181221.165922.V0213.img produces:


    TE: 73134890

    BL2 Built : 17:47:29, Jul 11 2017.

    gxl gcb74862-dirty -

    set vdd cpu_a to 1120 mv

    set vdd cpu_b to 1050 mv

    set vddee to 1000 mv

    Board ID = 6

    CPU clk: 1200MHz

    BL2 USB

    DQS-corr enabled

    DDR scramble enabled

    STICKY_REG0: 0x00000000

    STICKY_REG1: 0x00000000

    STICKY_REG9: 0x00000000

    DDR3 chl: Rank0+1 @ 792MHz - FAIL

    STICKY_REG0: 0x00000000

    STICKY_REG1: 0x00000000

    STICKY_REG9: 0x00000000

    DDR4 chl: Rank0+1 @ 792MHz - FAIL

    DDR init failed...


    M8S_PLUS_DVB_RS6060-NHG47L-20190226.104739.V0213.img produces:


    TE: 68779161

    BL2 Built : 19:04:28, May 29 2018. \ngxl g034b32c-dirty - xianjun.liu@droid09-sz

    set vdd cpu_a to 1120 mv

    set vdd cpu_b to 1050 mv

    set vddee to 1000 mv

    Board ID = 6

    CPU clk: 1200MHz

    BL2 USB

    DQS-corr enabled

    DDR scramble enabled

    DDR3 chl: Rank0 16bit @ 768MHz - FAIL

    DDR4 chl: Rank0 16bit @ 792MHz - FAIL

    DDR init failed...


    GXL:BL1:9ac50e:a1974b;FEAT:ADFC318C;POC:3;RCY:0;EM MC:0;READ:0;CHK:AA;SD:0;READ:0;CHK:AA;USB:8;0.0;

    TE: 3187660

    KII_PRO_AVL6862-NHG47L-20190817.142759.V0213.img produces:


    TE: 173157814

    BL2 Built : 11:04:41, Jan 26 2018.

    gxl g034b32c - xingyu.chen@droid12-sz

    set vdd cpu_a to 1120 mv

    set vdd cpu_b to 1050 mv

    set vddee to 1000 mv

    Board ID = 6

    CPU clk: 1200MHz

    BL2 USB

    DQS-corr enabled

    DDR scramble enabled

    LPDDR3 chl: Rank0+1 @ 720MHz

    Trainlng Err PGSR0: 0x848017bf.Retry...

    DX0GSR2: 0x37800018....

    DX1GSR2: 0x38800018....

    DX2GSR2: 0x37800018....

    DX3GSR2: 0x37000018....

    Taining Err PGSR0: 0x848017bf.Retry...

    DX0GSR2: 0x37800018....

    DX1GSR2: 0x38800018....

    DX2GSR2: 0x38000018....

    DX3GSR2: 0x37000018....

    Traiing Err PGSR0: 0x848017bf.Retry...

    DX0GSR2: 0x37800018....

    DX1GSR2: 0x38800018....

    DX2GSR2: 0x38000018....

    DX3GSR2: 0x38000018....

    Trainlng Err PGSR0: 0x848017bf.Retry...

    DX0GSR2: 0x37800018....

    DX1GSR2: 0x38800018....

    DX2GSR2: 0x37800018....

    DX3GSR2: 0x38000018....

    Trlining Err PGSR0: 0x848017bf.Retry...

    DX0GSR2: 0x37800018....

    DX1GSR2: 0x38800018....

    DX2GSR2: 0x39000018....

    DX3GSR2: 0x38000018....

    Trainin Err PGSR0: 0x848017bf.Retry...

    DX0GSR2: 0x37800018....

    DX1GSR2: 0x38800018....

    DX2GSR2: 0x38000018....

    DX3GSR2: 0x37000018....

    Trining Err PGSR0: 0x848017bf.Retry...

    DX0GSR2: 0x37800018....

    DX1GSR2: 0x38800018....

    DX2GSR2: 0x39000018....

    DX3GSR2: 0x38000018....

    Trainng Err PGSR0: 0x848017bf.Retry...

    DX0GSR2: 0x37800018....

    DX1GSR2: 0x38800018....

    DX2GSR2: 0x38000018....

    DX3GSR2: 0x37000018....

    Trainin Err PGSR0: 0x848017bf.Retry...

    DX0GSR2: 0x37800018....

    DX1GSR2: 0x38800018....

    DX2GSR2: 0x39000018....

    DX3GSR2: 0x37000018....

    DDR init fail, reset...

    GXL:BL1:9ac50e:a1974b;FEAT:ADFC318C;POC:3;RCY:0;EM MC:0;READ:0;CHK:AA;SD:0;READ:0;CHK:AA;USB:8;

    I'm not expert on this, but the .img which seems to be "almost accepted" is the one that states: LPDDR3 chl: Rank0+1 @ 720MHz, but unfortunately, my box is not KII Pro.

    The images I have for S905D K1 PLUS according to the label on my box, does net seem to use LPDDR3, so I'm concluding I just don't have the correct .img. Am I correct?

    Can anyone help in my case? Provide me with a good .img for my box, or suggest any other action?


    Edited once, last by creited (July 8, 2021 at 2:44 PM).

  • creited

    I tried searching for factory ROMs in USB burning tool format (img), but only found OTA updates.

    There are two separate updates for the "S905D KI PLUS S2 T2":

    Unfortunately, the USB burning tool can't do anything with zip, and the SD card update won't work without the correct uboot/recovery image.

    But, I checked the latest factory ROM image of my KI Pro and it contains two dt-ids: "gxl_q20x_1g" and "gxl_q20x_2g".

    So, you might want to try first by the USB burning tool with this:

    New firmware for MECOOL KI PRO with Amlogic S905D (20190314) -> "PC Ugrade (.img file)"

  • Hi dtech, thanks for helping.

    I could not download the image from the link provided, since it is invalid. But I could download the same image on Download Android Nougat 7.1 firmware for Mecool KI Pro TV Box «

    Unfortunately, this one also did not work. It produces:


    TE: 487167702

    BL2 Built : 17:47:29, Jul 11 2017.

    gxl gcb74862-dirty -

    set vdd cpu_a to 1120 mv

    set vdd cpu_b to 1050 mv

    set vddee to 1000 mv

    Board ID = 6

    CPU clk: 1200MHz

    BL2 USB

    DQS-corr enabled

    DDR scramble enabled

    STICKY_REG0: 0x00000000

    STICKY_REG1: 0x00000000

    STICKY_REG9: 0x00000000

    DDR3 chl: Rank0+1 @ 792MHz - FAIL

    STICKY_REG0: 0x00000000

    STICKY_REG1: 0x00000000

    STICKY_REG9: 0x00000000

    DDR4 chl: Rank0+1 @ 792MHz - FAIL

    DDR init failed...



    DDR3 @792MHZ seems to be not working aswell.

    I need an img with LPDDR3 chl: Rank0+1 @ 720MHz, as a guess.

    You said your ROM has 02 dt-ids. Do I need to do anythin to select one or other to be used with USB Burning Tool?


  • You said your ROM has 02 dt-ids. Do I need to do anythin to select one or other to be used with USB Burning Tool?

    Unfortunately not, it probably just means that Mecool (or Videostrong) also produced a KI Pro with 1 GB memory only.

    I checked, but I didn't find the same in the image of the KII Pro with S905D SoC, it only contains "gxl_q20x_2g".

    Edited once, last by dtech (July 8, 2021 at 7:05 PM).

  • It feels like I need something named kI PLUS userdebug 7.1.2 NHG47L 20180815.192152.V0213 as .img.

    But no place on the internet will have this as a download link.

  • Hi hudyj. I used the port closest to the TFCARD. It is the only one that triggers something in my Windows (new device attached sound).

    Regarding the cable, I used one cable from a cooling pad for laptops (no branded).

    I would really suggest you to try to use a UART cable, to check exactly what is happening with your device.

  • same, many loops.....


    My cable made of two. First connector is original, second was soldered. Probably is something wrong with connection quality.

    Is it necessary to use a shielded cable?

    Edited 2 times, last by hudyj (August 16, 2021 at 6:46 AM).

  • same, many loops.....

    Now you just plugged in the UART and got this output, or did you even manage to flash the image I linked earlier?
    Because what you copied from letter to letter is the same as what creited copied in the first post.

    try this FW

    I don't think the image for the KI Pro would work because KI Pro has Gigabit Ethernet and Broadcom/Ampak wlan chip.

    If the PCB ID is the same (KI PLUS S905D 1G 8G DDR3 LR), it should work with my image (KI_PLUS_S905D_v4_OTA-REPACK-20180815).

  • Now you just plugged in the UART and got this output, or did you even manage to flash the image I linked earlier?

    Amlogic burning tool still showing error with all images, also yours.

    [0x10105002]Romcode/Initialize DDR/Read initialize status/USB Control setup error.

    in UART unchanged : BL1:9ac50e:a1974b;FEAT:ADFC318C;POC:3;RCY:0;EMMC:0;READ:0;CHK:AA;SD:0;READ:0;CHK:AA;USB:8;

    Edited once, last by hudyj (August 16, 2021 at 6:47 AM).

  • Now you just plugged in the UART and got this output, or did you even manage to flash the image I linked earlier?
    Because what you copied from letter to letter is the same as what creited copied in the first post.

    I don't think the image for the KI Pro would work because KI Pro has Gigabit Ethernet and Broadcom/Ampak wlan chip.

    If the PCB ID is the same (KI PLUS S905D 1G 8G DDR3 LR), it should work with my image (KI_PLUS_S905D_v4_OTA-REPACK-20180815).

    The ATV ROM I posted already includes the correct WiFi driver and fw. 1g eth has nothing to do with installation for the time being, the TV box would also work without eth. :)

    He could try to install this FW first via the sdcburn method, it is for lpddr3 devices. At least the bootloader should be running. I could add 1G dtb later..

    download lpddr3

  • Amlogic burning tool still showing error with all images, also yours.

    [0x10105002]Romcode/Initialize DDR/Read initialize status/USB Control setup error.

    in UART unchanged : GXL:BL1:9ac50e:a1974b;FEAT:ADFC318C;POC:3;RCY:0;EMMC:0;READ:0;CHK:AA;SD:0;READ:0;CHK:AA;USB:8;

    I think you should get a factory USB A-A cable instead of a DIY cable.

    The ATV ROM I posted already includes the correct WiFi driver and fw. 1g eth has nothing to do with installation for the time being, the TV box would also work without eth.

    I don't care which firmware can hudyj flash to the device, the point is that EVERYTHING should work on the box. (Ethernet too!)

    He could try to install this FW first via the sdcburn method, it is for lpddr3 devices. At least the bootloader should be running. I could add 1G dtb later..

    Please keep in mind that this is the LibreELEC forum, so this is not the place to advertise your own Android creation.

  • I think you should get a factory USB A-A cable instead of a DIY cable.

    I don't care which firmware can hudyj flash to the device, the point is that EVERYTHING should work on the box. (Ethernet too!)

    Please keep in mind that this is the LibreELEC forum, so this is not the place to advertise your own Android creation.

    It is only a help for those who want to restore their device. Fantasies about advertising are superfluous here my friend.

  • It is only a help for those who want to restore their device. Fantasies about advertising are superfluous here my friend.

    Okay, but then I don't understand that if we already have a working firmware specifically for this box (KI PLUS S905D 1G 8G DDR3 LR), why would you suggest another one that was made for a completely different box?

    At the moment, it seems that there is something wrong with the USB A-A cable and not the firmware is causing the flash error under USB Burning Tool.

    I think the firmware you are proposing should remain Plan B for now, and let's not start with that first. At least that's how it makes sense.

  • hudyj

    Stupid question, but I have to ask:

    After you have connected the device to USB and it is detected by the Buring Tool, do you then plug in the 12V power jack to the device or not?

    Because if you don't, that will be the problem. Maybe your DIY USB cable does not provide enough power to the device for the flash operation.

    However, if you plug in the jack and the error still persists, the quality of the contacts will cause this problem and a new USB A-A cable will be needed.