upgrading to le10 on vm

  • Greetings,

    I'm running LE9.x inside kvm, from what I understand, it is highly recommended to install LE10 rather than upgrade.

    however, I'd rather no start handling images and loop devs.

    so I thought of entering my LE via ssh, stop kodi, rm .kodi, place the new image in the update folder and reboot the setup

    will that work?

  • Yes. This will avoid any Python 2 to 3 addon trouble.

    By creating a backup via LibreELEC-Settings addon before you can restore your current state on unexpected errors.

  • I wouldn't "rm .kodi" as that prevents you from easily copying back all the bits that don't cause issues. Simple "mv .kodi .kodi-old" and then reboot to update is fine. You can keep DB files, sources.xml, thumbnail caches and add-on settings without problems.