Seem to have lost audio on one recording

  • Does this sometimes happen?
    I was watching a film recorded from the tv and stopped it, when I went back to it it has no audio.

    I have audio for live tv and other recordings.

    Have i managed to change settings for just this one recording or does it just happen sometimes?


    Edit: I have rebooted twice.

    Edited once, last by Grarea: Added info (April 7, 2021 at 8:05 PM).

  • Yes it happens sometimes. Usually if the signal level is not strong enough, the audio is "lost" sometimes, when the data stream is corrupted temporarily (usually you can also see a video drop / corruption at that moment).

    Sometimes it recovers later, sometimes not and you need to stop / start the channel again (or switch to another channel and back) to get the audio working again. It's a quite annoying, I don't know why the video can recover and audio not but this happens.

  • Thanks.

    Do you mean on live tv though?

    This is a recording.

    I watched half of it with audio, then tried to watch it again and it has no audio.

    Even the first part of the film that had audio the first time round has no audio.

  • Thanks.

    Do you mean on live tv though?

    This is a recording.

    I watched half of it with audio, then tried to watch it again and it has no audio.

    Even the first part of the film that had audio the first time round has no audio.

    Yes I meant Live TV.

    Sometimes it even happens when I switch to some TV channel (don't know if it's an issue in latest LE 10 Nightly builds but most likely it's related to TV signal quality which is not perfect on some channels in my case) but of course it's hard to say if the same issue happened when your recording started or if there's another reason...

    In my case the same stream profile is used for watching and for recording (pass) so the configuration is same, so far I did not encounter a missing audio in recording but I don't record very often.

    But when I played with Timeshift data (configured to use a filesystem) a bit, some Timeshift files had no audio, some could be played without issue including audio and some could not be played at all... I suppose that's because the Timeshift files probably does not have a header and every file is just a part of a live stream but I don't know any technical details how it works.

    Perhaps there's an utility which could be used to check / repair integrity of your recordings. Also I would to try to play it with another player (VLC on workstation?) to check if the audio is missing / not playing as well.

  • Check audio settings for that recording from the osd menu...

    Probably you changed audio stream to something else..

    Brilliant, you were right.
    I went to 'toggle audio stream' and that solved it.

    I forgot that was there for individual things.
    I was thinking it was for the whole thing.

    Every day is a school day.
    Thanks loads for that.

    I am looking forward to watching the rest of the recording, but more importantly, I know what to do if I do the same again in the future.

    Also I would to try to play it with another player (VLC on workstation?) to check if the audio is missing / not playing as well.

    Thank you for this, I hadn't thought of that.
    I sort of forget that this is now just data that I can remove and stuff.
    I shall remember this for the future.
    It would have been a great way to narrow it down.

  • Probably that was some visually impaired audio stream or something to the liking

    And that s not only for individual things...if you set it to make default for all media ,everything will use that setting

    Edited once, last by Mario77: Merged a post created by Mario77 into this post. (April 8, 2021 at 7:32 PM).

  • Thanks again.
    I remember doing that when i set it up but had forgotten about it.

    I think somehow I have just managed to toggle that with my remote just for that recording.
    Perhaps I leant on it or something.

    Actually, I use the same remote for the Libreelec pi and the tv.
    So, possibly, as i played with tv settings, it has been changing the pi at the same time.