Remote control setup for Odroid c2 Complete noob

  • Hi guys really new, I mean really new. Just purchased the odroid c2 and they did not have any remotes instock, Can someone please point me to a link on how i can setup an infrared remote? I haven figured out how you guys edit the files or make changes yet. So is there a tutorial or dummys guide i would appreciate it. Setting up the software is no problem. I am just unclear how to make changes?

    I havent seemed to find any info if it is even possible but I want to try and setup the Xbox One Media Remote is that even possible? I cant find much at all?

  • I know it's not what you've asked for, but do you have a smart phone? If your Odroid c2 is connectable via your homes wifi, there's a couple of fairly good options:

    Android - Kore or Apple - Kodi Remote

    Both will have a walk through guide to connect them to kodi. All you need to do with a keyboard first is Settings → Services → Webserver → Allow control of Kodi via HTTP.

    As for addressing your actual question; your Xbox One Media Remote will should work without any customized configuration required. However if you need to make changes, here's what you need to do.

    Edited once, last by fTdOmen (November 9, 2016 at 6:33 AM).

  • Hi guys really new, I mean really new. Just purchased the odroid c2 and they did not have any remotes instock, Can someone please point me to a link on how i can setup an infrared remote? I haven figured out how you guys edit the files or make changes yet. So is there a tutorial or dummys guide i would appreciate it. Setting up the software is no problem. I am just unclear how to make changes?

    I havent seemed to find any info if it is even possible but I want to try and setup the Xbox One Media Remote is that even possible? I cant find much at all?

    If you follow this guide from wrxtasy: Mini Guide to setting up any IR remote on the C1/C2
    you'll be able to use basically any IR Remote that you can find at home to be used for LibreELEC. Just follow the steps, restart and then most of the buttons will be assigned.

    If this is not enough then, so lets say you want it customized further, you can use the addon "Keymap editor" from kodi repository.

    And if that is not suiting you somehow, then you can do this manually by editing/using the following files in combination:

    • /storage/.kodi/userdata/Lircmap.xml
    • /storage/.kodi/userdata/keymaps/remote.xml

    There are loads of threads about this at and So you'll find everything you need written somewhere. But I remember how irritating it was when I tried it myself for the first time (especially the two *.xml for custom mapping). So if you need further help, just ask here :)