Problem with VDPAU Decoder

  • Hello,

    for my CPU AMD GX-217GA SOC with Radeon(tm) HD Graphics I compiled f085883 today morning and saw that the VAAPI (which was present in Player-settings) changed to VDPAU (I think due to MESA 21.0.1, but I thought VDPAU is only supported by NVidia-Cards?).

    With VDPAU enabled I get the message that "No backend implementation could be loaded.(1) at ../xbmc/cores/VideoPlayer/DVDCodecs/Video/VDPAU.cpp:1098".

    If I disable the VDPAU I see a picture but - of course - with high-CPU-load.

    The VDPAU Decoder capabilities are shown as following:

    name level macbs width height


    MPEG2_SIMPLE 3 9216 2048 1152 

    MPEG2_MAIN 3 9216 2048 1152 

    H264_BASELINE 41 9216 2048 1152 

    H264_MAIN 41 9216 2048 1152 

    H264_HIGH 41 9216 2048 1152 

    VC1_SIMPLE 1 9216 2048 1152 

    VC1_MAIN 2 9216 2048 1152 

    VC1_ADVANCED 4 9216 2048 1152 

    MPEG4_PART2_ASP 5 9216 2048 1152 


    Did I perhaps miss anything to clean before building - or does anyone have an idea?

    Best regards,


    Edited once, last by DDuck007 (March 27, 2021 at 11:39 AM).

  • Setting export KODI_GL_INTERFACE=GLX allows using VDPAU on AMD, but there is no reason to do this today.

    Start a clean build (erase the build directory) if you did an incremental build before.

  • A clean build (done over night "c623222") shows the same problem: VDPAU instead of VAAPI is activated and no video-playback starts.

    Just tested the official nightly build LibreELEC-Generic.x86_64-10.0-nightly-20210328-c623222.tar and it´s the same problem with this build. VDPAU is enabled for radonsi.

  • Complete debug log via pastekodi please.

    A Polaris12 GPU using the amdgpu driver is working with the nightly. As a test you can enable the amdgou driver on your Kabini GPU with radeon.cik_support=0 amdgpu.cik_support=1 kernel parameters (CIK = Sea Islands GPUs)

    For the records: Southern Islands (SI) GPUs can be enabled with radeon.si_support=0 amdgpu.si_support=1 and both parameter pairs can be combined.

  • Thank you!

    The debug-log (nothing changed in syslinux.cfg) can be found here: DebugLog

    radeon.cik_support=0 amdgpu.cik_support=1 brings back the VAAPI and simply works.

    A general question: Does AMD_GPU work with VDPAU-Decoder at all?

  • Unfortunately your debug log starts after the interesting part:

    2021-03-28 13:18:24.577 T:1048     INFO <general>: VDPAU::CreateContext - creating decoder context[...]
    2021-03-28 13:18:56.979 T:1048     INFO <general>: Enabled debug logging due to GUI setting. Level 2.

    radeon.cik_support=0 amdgpu.cik_support=1 brings back the VAAPI and simply works.

    Which LE version did you use before yesterday?

    There was both a Mesa and a kernel update yesterday. With the amdgpu driver still working and having used a recent LE version you can start to revert the kernel update first.

    A general question: Does AMD_GPU work with VDPAU-Decoder at all?

    You have to configure it. Create:

    Code: /storage/.config/kodi.conf

    and restart kodi.

  • Unfortunately your debug log starts after the interesting part:

    ups - sorry, here is a Debug-Log enabled before rebooting: Reboot-Log.

    Which LE version did you use before yesterday?

    I used a self-compiled version LibreELEC-RPi4.arm-10.0-devel-20210320132442-57e0578

    I will check the merge requests on github and try to revert the kernel-update (hopefully my git-know-how is enough for this ;-)).

    You have to configure it.

    Ok, will give it a try after reverting kernel update ...

    Thank you for your support!

  • Why are you using a raspberry Pi version with x86 hardware? Guessing that’s a big part of your problem.

    sorry - just copied the name and RPI-Version was in the same folder - of course I was using LibreELEC-Generic.x86_64-10.0-devel-20210320124159-57e0578 for PC and the RPI-version for the RPI4 ;)

  • OK. Thanks for the test marathon. BTW: what is the result of vainfo on the failing system

    The error is on:

    2021-03-28 18:26:37.280 T:1070    DEBUG <general>: Vaapi2 EGL interop test results: general no, deepColor no

    "general" and "deepColor" should be "yes".

    There seem to be no bug report yet on Mesa GitLab.

  • You´re welcome!

    Output of vainfo:

    Output of vdpauinfo:

    Edited once, last by DDuck007 (March 30, 2021 at 6:04 AM).

  • At first Thank you for your support!

    I read some issues in mesa Gitlab and I think I will just keep reading...

    To be honest I do not know what I should write if I would open a new issue in mesa...

    There are already some fixes done - to test it I would add „master“ in packages/graphics/mesa/ but what to write to SHA256?

  • At first Thank you for your support!

    I read some issues in mesa Gitlab and I think I will just keep reading...

    To be honest I do not know what I should write if I would open a new issue in mesa...

    There are already some fixes done - to test it I would add „master“ in packages/graphics/mesa/ but what to write to SHA256?

    use a terminal & change into the root of your build directory, then run scripts/get mesa after you've updated the git commit. Then it will download the new version & generate a SHA256 hash, you can also use # to comment the line out, won't hurt in 99,9% usecases.