FLIRC holder for Argon One case for Raspberry Pi

  • I'm posting this here because I notice we have some Argon One users.

    I made a little platform that holds the FLIRC receiver in a somewhat aesthetically pleasing way. This picture shows my Argon One M.2 but the standard Argon One has the same fitment.

    This is an interim solution for FLIRC while I work on getting the built in IR working well.

    This part is posted on Thingiverse, if anyone wants it.

    FLIRC holder for Argon One Raspberry Pi case by TomB19 - Thingiverse

  • I have the argon one case, installeed a ir receiver on it.. but couldnt figure out how to make it work.. i stole the bluetooth remote from mibox and could set it up perfectly.. but still hope to make the ir work.. i just dont have the skills

    edit.. turn out im stupid and didnt installed the receiver properly.. now the ir is working very well

    Edited once, last by dudumaroja (April 6, 2021 at 8:06 PM).