Legacy v9.2 (LTS) builds for Amlogic S805/S8X2, S905/S912 and all WeTek boxes

  • Well, I may not have anything to suggest.

    I have tried to look for this error here in the forum or on the internet only in relation to Kodi, but I did not find anything relevant. :(

    Hi Dtech,

    Thanks for trying. If you can i'd appreciate it very much if you want to test the cvbs connection this weekend on lcd tv.

    However when playing with the LCD tv and connecting the box with HDMI, I notice something odd: you can't change the resolution in Kodi. The options under system settings are grayed out...

    It that the same with your S905 boxes?

    Hm might have something to do with the disp_cap file in place. Yes it does. I am unable to find a list with resolutions. Why not put 576i wdescreen in there? hmm.

    Edited 3 times, last by vasonline (July 29, 2021 at 4:09 PM).

  • That's good, thank you. I noticed something...

    The image for M8S+ uses a different nvram configuration (ap6335_nvram.txt) than datrh's X8-H Plus image (ap6335e_nvram.txt).

    However, my X8-H Plus image statically loads "ap6335e_nvram.txt", so I don't really understand why it freezes. :/

    I’d like upload ap6335e_nvram.txt late. Hope it will be hopeful

    would you like check this


    Edited 2 times, last by oceanzhang (July 30, 2021 at 2:45 AM).

  • Why not put 576i wdescreen in there? hmm.

    Is the 576i not the same as the 720x576i50? Because its ratio is still 4:3.

    The correct resolution for 16:9 would be 1024x576i50 if we do not reach the height value, but I don't think it will provide a signal with this resolution on CVBS. A try will tell you. ;)

    I’d like upload ap6335e_nvram.txt late. Hope it will be hopeful

    Thanks, but the file is already included in the brcmfmac_sdio-firmware-all-aml package as well. :)

    I'll check it out, but I would ask you for a little patience, because an HDD from the RAID1 array died on my server yesterday.

    Until it is replaced and re-synced, I don’t want to build a new image.

    (It will still be an emergency intervention, mainly because of the virtual machines and I don’t want data loss.)

    At the same time, I predict to everyone that http://http//libreelec.dtech.hu/ and my LE repo will not be available for a couple of hours on Saturday.

  • I'll check it out, but I would ask you for a little patience, because an HDD from the RAID1 array died on my server yesterday.

    Until it is replaced and re-synced, I don’t want to build a new image.

    (It will still be an emergency intervention, mainly because of the virtual machines and I don’t want data loss.)

    At the same time, I predict to everyone that http://http//libreelec.dtech.hu/ and my LE repo will not be available for a couple of hours on Saturday.

    Thank you for you hard work, and your build make my box boot initial :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup:

    Don't mind me

    Also I would try to replace bcm_firmware and nvram file from Android rom, will report if any progress I got

  • Is the 576i not the same as the 720x576i50? Because its ratio is still 4:3.

    Hi Dtech,

    16:9 resolution is actually the same as 4:3

    it is 720x576i 50Hz

    But the S905D should send the picture stretched out like this:

    The TV will then compress it and put it in the right aspect ratio.

    I'll attach a picture what it should do.

    The problem I see is, that even with the hdmi input to a flatscreen tv I am unable to obtain a 16:9 picture as well.

    Tested with 720 setting -> Ok widescreen

    Tested with 1080 setting -> Ok Widescreen

    Tested with 576 setting -> Nok -4:3

    Is this a Librelec issue? Shoulden't the S905 support more video modes?


  • Found something is dmesg about screen aspect.

    [ 19.147831@3] vdac_enable: on:1,module_sel:8

    [ 19.147881@3] tv_vout: new mode =576cvbs set ok

    [ 19.147900@3] vout_serve: vinfo mode is: 576cvbs

    [ 19.147920@3] vout_serve: new mode 576cvbs set ok

    [ 19.147972@3] hdmitx: edid: not find mapped vic

    [ 19.147992@3] hdmitx: edid: not find mapped vic

    [ 19.148024@3] hdmitx: video: get current mode: 576cvbs

    [ 19.148041@3] hdmitx: update rx hdr info 0

    [ 19.148058@3] hdmitx: update physcial size: 4 3

    Edited once, last by vasonline (July 30, 2021 at 9:20 PM).

  • vasonline

    Well, I tried CVBS and I have nothing wrong with it, I just went through the calibration operation.

    Video calibration -> It will fix overscan and pixel aspect ratio:

    Video settings -> I didn't have to change anything:

    TV aspect ratio (Standard -> 16:9):

  • Hi Dtech,

    Thanks for the try!

    That looks indeed just fine.

    Thanks for testing it!

    Did you stretch it from 4:3 to 16:9 with the video calibration? It shows an adjustment of 1,4.

    Without video cal, did you not have 4:3?

    Fixing 4:3 to 16:9 with video calibration,

    isn't that "wrong way" to do that?

    Gui settings aspect ratio still mangled at wrong res.

    I am not sure.

    Maybe the question is more:

    How can I put in a custom resolution in Libreelec?

    Maybe I am asking in this in the wrong forum?

    No offence meant!


    Edited 3 times, last by vasonline (July 31, 2021 at 11:04 AM).

  • Did you stretch it from 4:3 to 16:9 with the video calibration? It shows an adjustment of 1,4.

    Without video cal, did you not have 4:3?

    Fixing 4:3 to 16:9 with video calibration,

    isn't that "wrong way" to do that?

    Okay, I'm trying to say in order... :)

    The "disp_cap" contains 576cvbs only!

    1. TV settings standard (4:3) -> The GUI shows itself to be 16:9, which looks like what has been compressed horizontally.
    2. TV set to 16:9, the GUI ratio now looks good, only the edges hanging over in all directions (overscan).
    3. I started a TV show that now under 16:9 looked like it was compressed vertically.
    4. I started the video calibration from the PVR menu and adjusted the corners, which eliminated the wrong overscan.
      I also set the right aspect ratio for the correct display, the rectangle actually became square.

    I don't know if this is a good solution, but it would be right for me. :)

    Gui settings aspect ratio still mangled at wrong res.

    After the last step of the calibration (pixel ratio adjustment), the GUI will also be displayed in the right aspect ratio:

    The content cannot be displayed because it is no longer available.

    How can I put in a custom resolution in Libreelec?

    The problem is not the custom resolution, but the fact is that there are no signal via composite output if the resolution set other than 480* or 576*. At least that is what I have experienced.

    Edited once, last by dtech (July 31, 2021 at 3:21 PM).

  • The "disp_cap" contains 576cvbs only!

    1. TV settings standard (4:3) -> The GUI shows itself to be 16:9, which looks like what has been compressed horizontally.
    2. TV set to 16:9, the GUI ratio now looks good, only the edges hanging over in all directions (overscan).
    3. I started a TV show that now under 16:9 looked like it was compressed vertically.
    4. I started the video calibration from the PVR menu and adjusted the corners, which eliminated the wrong overscan.
      I also set the right aspect ratio for the correct display, the rectangle actually became square.

    I don't know if this is a good solution, but it would be right for me. :)

    After the last step of the calibration (pixel ratio adjustment), the GUI will also be displayed in the right aspect ratio:

    The content cannot be displayed because it is no longer available.

    The problem is not the custom resolution, but the fact is that there are no signal via composite output if the resolution set other than 480* or 576*. At least that is what I have experienced.

    Hi Dtech,

    Thanks for explaining the steps.

    I understand what you did.

    "disp_cap" contains 576cvbs

    Problem is, that in step 1, I get

    1. TV settings standard 4;3 -> the gui itself shows itself to be 4:3 which is perfecty fine, but not widescreen (black bars left / right)

    2. TV set to 16:9. The gui ratio now looks bad, with everything horizontally stretched. (but no black bars)

    I give up. You did what you could.

    I'll swap the s905 for something that can output widescreen.


  • Sorry, you are right, I really messed up the beginning of the description because it's the same as yours.

    1. TV settings standard 4;3 -> the gui itself shows itself to be 4:3 which is perfecty fine, but not widescreen (black bars left / right)

    2. TV set to 16:9. The gui ratio now looks bad, with everything horizontally stretched. (but no black bars)

    So far, everything is the same as what you described...

    Did you give up at this point? Just because the setting starts from this point. :)

    You will then need to start a 16:9 aspect ratio TV stream and begin calibration during the video:

    Setup -> Video settings -> Video calibration

    The setup menu is half hidden in the lower right corner (gear icon).

    The only problem is that the 576cvbs mode is not recognized by Kodi properly and thus does not save the calibration into guisettings.xml.

    So after a reboot, the calibration will be lost for now. But I’m already on it to fix this bug. ;)

    A temporary solution is to manually add calibration data:

    Edited once, last by dtech (August 2, 2021 at 9:30 AM).

  • Hi Dtech,


    I tried to set the aspect ratio during a playing video, and that indeed works!.

    (Setup -> Video settings -> Video calibration)

    Now both video and GUI look good!

    Just as you said, it does not survive reboot.

    Cool that you can fix this bug :) Thanks!

    What does survive reboot is: during a playing video -> Setup -> Video settings -> stretch to 16:9

    Then the video looks good, but gui is still on 4:3 mode (ugly stretched).

  • What does survive reboot is: during a playing video -> Setup -> Video settings -> stretch to 16:9

    Then the video looks good, but gui is still on 4:3 mode (ugly stretched).

    If this option is set to a value other than normal, it will also affect the calibration and will be completely bad.

    So, please do not use manual aspect ratio override, because calibration alone will solve this. Calibration will set the video and GUI in sync.

    For us, that’s the point now, because that’s how it can’t happen that the video is good and the GUI is bad. Either both are good or not. :)

    Anyway, I managed to find a solution to the problem, though not the way I thought.

    The disp_cap file needs to be edited. Inexplicably, the resolution is not recognized if it only includes 576cvbs:

    But, if disp_cap has been edited, it will already appear:

    (My display is already pre-calibrated, of course it won't look like this on your side in the first round, the edge of the image will hang over everywhere.)

    If you see the resolution here, the calibration data will also be saved and will not be lost after a reboot.

    Contents of the new disp_cap file:

    Code: /storage/.kodi/userdata/disp_cap

    And that's all. :cool:

    If you have edited the file, you will need to restart the device and then you can start the calibration, which will not be lost now.

    Be careful not to accidentally switch to 720x480i60hz if possible, because I don't think European CRT TV with 60Hz will be able to do anything.

    Edited once, last by dtech (August 3, 2021 at 6:29 AM).

  • Good evening everyone.

    I want to share my experience, maybe it could be useful to someone.

    I bought a x96 mini box with 2/16 gb - S905W, which between discounts, coupons, etc ... cost € 11.50.

    I opened the box and I found a nice surprise: the cpu is a S905L - 1/8 Gb.

    However I have successfully installed the build: LibreELEC-MXQ-4K-Pro_2G.arm-9.2.8.img.gz with the external dtb file -> gxl_p212_1g.dtb. Everything works, wi-fi, etc .....

    Of course it still has to be tested thoroughly.

    Good weekend everyone

  • I have an MXQ all black that I cannot get to boot from any image that I have come across for the life of me. On the board it is labelled as MXQ-S805. It has the RTL 8189 WiFi chip and is a 1G/8G board. There is a silkscreen version on the other side that says "MXQ_S805 V3_1" and has a date code of 20151230.

    I have used the toothpick method, the terminal "reboot update" command as well as many other methods. They all get stuck with the MXQ logo on the screen.

    I have tried other images with all of the accompanying dtb files without any luck.

    I am using a 32GB SDHC card. It is the smallest one I can find. Is that still too large for these older boards? Do I need to dig around for a 16G or 8G card? I am starting to question my own existence here. ;)

    Any advice you folks can offer would be greatly appreciated.

    Thank you in advance!


  • SCH00N3R

    1. What program do you use to write the "img.gz" file to the SD card?

    2. Have you also tried the m201d image?

    Because I have read in several forums that the V3_1 board is also suspicious that it’s only equipped with 512MB of RAM.

    3. Replacing the dtb with the meson8 kernel is not a solution because it can only read the dtb integrated into the kernel.

    Quote from the notes section of the first post on this topic:

    External DTB cannot be used with Meson8* (S802/S805/S812), because there it only takes into consideration those that are integrated into the kernel!

    Try the m201d image with the toothpick method first. If that doesn't work, try getting a smaller SDHC card.

    Edited once, last by dtech (August 10, 2021 at 12:15 PM).

  • Thank you dtech !

    1. I have been using win32diskimager. Is there an app that you recommend?

    2. I have not, trying it now.

    3. Just so I understand correctly, you're saying that swapping the dtb around doesn't work because the unit only checks the device tree that is baked into the kernel? If I have that right, I wish I had known that about three days ago. LOL. Oh well, live and learn.

    I will try that image right now and will report back.

    Thanks again!

  • The M201d image worked! So yes I guess this board must only have 512 MB. Oh well. At least I can see what kind of trouble I can get into with LibreELEC. That was the main goal. :)

    I also have an M8S. Board is labelled "M8 V9_1" with a date code of 20160120. I see that you have an image for the M8+, which doesn't work for me. Is there an image for that board that you would recommend?

    I will search around to see what I can find.

    Thanks again!