Overclocking options for x86 ?

  • Hello

    I have an old Dell inspiron Zino HD 400 that i have upgraded to 4gb ram and Athlon II x3 420E. Everything works fine I can watch flawlessly everything i download and its a big upgrade from the Ugoos UT4 android box i had before.

    I was wondering if there are overclocking options inside Libreelec x86 like you can have for Raspberry PI. Also if there a way any plugin to check system temperatures in GUI.

    Thank you


  • So what 's the need for overclocking? Videos will not be played any faster, and *maybe* menus could be 1-3% faster if you fiddle around with BIOS/memory settings. It's not worth it.

    My Libreelec installation is fairly new just have 2-3 plugins installed. Some times if you load more plugins things slow down a bit, plus I would like to know the limits of the zino so I that I may download higher bitrate movies.

    If there any software overlock I can do because the bios is locked does not have relevant settings. I always explore every possibility to squeeze more power from any of my computers.

  • In Germany we used to say: You're riding a dead horse.

    It does work and it works fine, better than most android boxes and Raspberry PIs, Plus no android box or Raspberry PI will allow me to connect a 6TB hdd with sata. So its far from dead

    We just lost interest in your problem.

    Well no point replying then.

    The replies are irrelevant to the question.

    Does Libreelec support software overclocking on x86 ? a simple yes or no ( and if yes how ) would suffice.

    Edited 2 times, last by Biomecanoid: Merged a post created by Biomecanoid into this post. (January 21, 2021 at 2:27 PM).

  • The replies are irrelevant to the question.

    Not really. You commented that "so I that I may download higher bitrate movies."

    In case you somehow forgot to read our forum rules, we couldn't care less if you were to download movies. It's outside LibreELEC's and Kodi's scope to begin with. You can download all the movies you want, but we can decide if, and when, we provide support.

    a simple yes or no ( and if yes how ) would suffice.

    Apart from the reply I already gave, which apparently didn't ring a bell, the simple answer is "no".

  • Not really. You commented that "so I that I may download higher bitrate movies."

    In case you somehow forgot to read our forum rules, we couldn't care less if you were to download movies. It's outside LibreELEC's and Kodi's scope to begin with. You can download all the movies you want, but we can decide if, and when, we provide support.

    Apart from the reply I already gave, which apparently didn't ring a bell, the simple answer is "no".

    Libreelec is a Media Center oriented OS, you can play any media you want on it. I did NOT ask for help to download movies and I don't need it.

    My question was about overclocking, ( Raspberry PI is oveclockable why not x86? ) and that is a permitted subject and does not violate any rules. go read the title of the post again "Overclocking options for x86 ?"

    I was very clear and precise with my post, I wanted to squeeze all the power I could from current setup, I described my current and previous setup/specs hoping to expand the codecs and bitrate I could playback on my device. Does not matter if you approve my setup it works reliably you forget its there and works every time. 3 [email protected] + 4gb Ram should be enough for movies and I don't intend to buy a Raspberry PI or an android box that will most probably have lower specs just because its newer. I use Raspberry PIs for other projects.

    I suppose that due to the current lockdown you people have been in your man-caves too long and forgot how to talk to people. Along with all your other rules, you should add that all members should be polite and engage in a fruitful conversation, not just make or follow the rules you choose selectively.

    If you are having a bad day or if you are a grumpy person in general better don't reply because you don't to seem to have anything constructive to say. Such behavior is not appreciated.

  • I suppose that due to the current lockdown you people have been in your man-caves too long and forgot how to talk to people. Along with all your other rules, you should add that all members should be polite and engage in a fruitful conversation, not just make or follow the rules you choose selectively.

    First item of the forum rules:


    General Conduct

    • Be polite and respectful to forum staff and other users
    • Be polite and respectful towards this project and other projects
    • Be patient, user and staff are spread all over the world, an answer may take time

    I suggest you move along and stop making drunk assumptions about people who could help you, and we'll leave it at that.

  • I can watch flawlessly everything i download. what are you downloading? that seems against the rules.

    Also, in my opinion, if you want over clocking you need to be looking at your device. I don't think this is a Libreelec problem.

    Now this is against the forum rules on respect & being polite.

    Stop being a tightwad, buy yourself a newer device.

  • First item of the forum rules:

    I suggest you move along and stop making drunk assumptions about people who could help you, and we'll leave it at that.

    "about people who could help you,"

    I stand my case none of you answers where constructive and merely a mockery plus it was not a cry for help, did not need help, it was just a question. You don't have to be like those kids that bullied you at school, you don't have to piss on people to mark you territory. The past may still haunt you at night in bed but you are a grown up now.

    Well the below was ironic:

    "Along with all your other rules, you should add that all members should be polite and engage in a fruitful conversation, not just make or follow the rules you choose selectively."

    but apparently didn't ring a bell :P

    Too bad that you have those rules and you expect others to follow them and you are exempt ( very convenient ) you are expected to follow what you preach you were not polite, respectful or patient

    "and we'll leave it at that."

    Oh man what do we have here a threat over the internet ? this can not be ? this has never happened before I am shaking where I stand. What will you do ? hit the keyboard really hard ? write in capitals ? defy the curfew and come out of your man-cave ?

    I don't appreciate being bullied instead of being welcomed so back of and we'll leave it at that.

    In English, Flogging a dead horse

    We call it being a smart@a$$

    Edited 2 times, last by Biomecanoid: Merged a post created by Biomecanoid into this post. (January 21, 2021 at 5:48 PM).