No sound on Rasperry Pi 4

  • I have a new Raspberry Pi 4 and I can not get any sound from HDMI. I get no sound from videos or from MP3s. I have GUI sounds enabled, nothing.

    I set output to both HDMI & Audio Jack, the audio jack works.

    I know there is no problem with the HDMI cable, I tried running Raspberry OS, and I was able to play a MP3 thru the HDMI cable.

    I have LibreELEC installed on a Chromebox. I compared the guisettings.xml files and I didn't see anything obvious.

    Also I picked up a cheap Westinghouse TV on Black Friday. I get no signal when I connect the Pi4 to it. I tried 3 different cables, nothing. I get output when I connect my laptop to it :)

  • Are you using the HDMI port closest to the power plug (HDMI0)?

    I cant get any sound from mine if i don't use that port, even tried a clean reinstall with HDMI plugged into HDMI1 port but still no joy so i have came to the conclusion that it is only used as an additional display port for running 2 monitors and sound will only ever come out the one closest to the power adapter.

    Remember to add the line below to the config.txt if you want to use 4k resolution




    Edited once, last by Veedub (January 14, 2021 at 9:48 PM).

  • I was not using the HDMI closest to the power input. That fixed one issue.

    I'm not too sure what wrong with my 720p Westinghouse TV. I get nothing from the Pi4. I assume it is sending a signal that the TV does not understand. Is there a way to force the Pi4 use a specific video signal?

  • I have sound in the jack, however, I have not in the Hdmi, none of them, for libreelec

    however, I have sound in the hdmi closest to the jack in raspian.

    any ideas?

  • I have the same issue, my rpi4 is connected to a monitor meanwhile setting libreelec and the sound through analogue output, but when I move it to my Sony TV surprise NO sound from HDMI.

    I made the same few weeks ago and the sound was perfect, whats happen in the mean time?

  • I have no sound from my Pi 4 - I've tried the HDMI port next to the power but nothing. There's no sound from the 3.5" jack either.

    Any pointers?

    I have sound in the jack, however, I have not in the Hdmi, none of them, for libreelec

    however, I have sound in the hdmi closest to the jack in raspian.

    any ideas?

    Pi4:~ # speaker-test -t sine -c 2 -r 44100 -F S24_3LE -b 200000 -p 50000 -D iec958:CARD=Audio,DEV=0
    speaker-test 1.1.9
    Playback device is iec958:CARD=Audio,DEV=0
    Stream parameters are 44100Hz, S24_3LE, 2 channels
    Sine wave rate is 440.0000Hz
    ALSA lib /home/jails/home/jenkins/LE/build2/workspace/RPi4/ Unknown parameters CARD=Audio,DEV=0
    ALSA lib /home/jails/home/jenkins/LE/build2/workspace/RPi4/ Unknown PCM iec958:CARD=Audio,DEV=0
    Playback open error: -22,Invalid argument

    I also thought I'd look for a sound card. This might be incorrect, but ...

    Pi4:~ # dmesg |grep sound
    [    0.706223]   No soundcards found.

    dmesg, lsmod, lsusb:

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    Edited 2 times, last by cappsie (May 15, 2021 at 8:25 PM).

  • Following up, turns out it was the wrong HDMI port. Amazingly simple. All working. Now I have to figure out why it works on two of my TVs but not the other one. Perhaps it can't handle the bandwidth? /shrug



  • I managed to get the Pi4 to boot.


    Results in order:

    Rainbow screen

    TV displays 720p@60Hz

    Then LibreElec splash screen

    Then [No signal]

    in config.txt:

    set to hdmi_group=1

    tried various hdmi modes (hdmi_mode=39) but to no avail. (39 is 1080i@50Hz 16:9) (sourced from here:…-raspberry-pi/:

    TV: Technika 32G22B-FHD 32-inch Full HD

    The TV specifications are:

    Full HD, HDMI, 1920x1080

    Any help is greatly appreciated.



  • So, I gave up on that TV and bought a replacement which works nicely.

    The only complaint I have is that the resolution isn't ideal and the Kodi menu is slightly wider than the screen. Different Kodi resolutions aren't the answer. In-movie, I can tweak the zoom and other settings, but if anyone has any ideas on this, they would be greatly appreciated.



  • The only complaint I have is that the resolution isn't ideal and the Kodi menu is slightly wider than the screen. Different Kodi resolutions aren't the answer. In-movie, I can tweak the zoom and other settings, but if anyone has any ideas on this, they would be greatly appreciated.

    That's a common issue, and it's only related to your TV. Find something like a "picture optimization mode" in your TV settings. Usually switching the mode off makes the picture smaller, and Kodi menus will fit perfectly.