Odroid C2

  • This is awesome! I simply downloaded the tar file and placed it in the Update folder, rebooted, got a little scared when it just hung at the splash screen for a while. Then it rebooted itself again and viola, it was running. The PVR client for MythTV seems to work fine, video playback looks good, sound is there, but I only have stereo speakers right now. I'll hook it to my AVR later and see if I can DD5.1 at least from broadcast TV.

    I built from the github sources last week and then got sidetracked on local election stuff. It was stable for an entire week just sitting over there. I'm really impressed with how quickly and smoothly this going. I've been using an RPi2 for quite some time, but am looking forward to upgrading to this C2. It's way faster at bringing up the Program Guide from the MythTV client, even the Pi2 took too long to load the 100+ channels of info.

    I noticed that we don't seem to have control over deinterlacing methods. Is that right? I can't find any options via the OSD during playback. I'm okay with the way it looks now, I just was wondering about it. I did notice some color banding on a TV channel. Just sayin', not complaining. Again, this is awesome. I'm already anxious to change out my Pi2 for the C2. I have do some more testing though. I haven't tried the Ortek WMC remote control yet.

    I was worried about MPEG-2 decoding since one has to purchase a license for the RPi to get it, and I need it. It seems to be doing a great job. I did notice that when I bring up the statistical OSD (O key), it gets a little jerky and buffers during LiveTV playback. I don't know if that's an overlay issue or what, but I really don't care at this point. I'm thrilled! The "O" key shows a playback rate of 25FPS, but I live in 60Hz land. I was expecting 30FPS on the display, but I've seen this before on the RPi2. It may not be important at all.

    You guys are great, thanks for everything.

  • What happens when you try pass through?

    I've compiled 7.0 and with a few changes I can get my AVR to produce audio from AC3 with Kodi on passthrough but there are regular dropouts. I plan on experimenting further but not being familiar with compiling this way I need some advice which I'll start another thread for.

    I was very impressed with how well LibreElec has been put together. It has precisely the right features in place for managing a Kodi based media center. Quick to setup and everything is there straight away.

  • Since i bought an odroid C2 after reading the good news, i'm astonished how much power there is in this device. in HEVC265-Performance beats my intelNuc as well as my Zotac Zbox nano.
    so i'm pushing up this thread up, for asking if the libreelec-Team is considering taking the odroid C2 to the official Device-listanytime near?

  • I confirm the HEVC performance is surprisingly good. Did not encounter any issues. No lagging at all. Just superb.

    The only thing that might not be great on the LibreELEC for Odroid C2 is the fact that USB Sound Cards are not supported.
    This makes the few people still not using HDMI for audio not being able to use it properly.
    Hope this gets fixed so I don't need to buy a Pi and stop enjoying HEVC.

  • I confirm the HEVC performance is surprisingly good. Did not encounter any issues. No lagging at all. Just superb.

    The only thing that might not be great on the LibreELEC for Odroid C2 is the fact that USB Sound Cards are not supported.
    This makes the few people still not using HDMI for audio not being able to use it properly.
    Hope this gets fixed so I don't need to buy a Pi and stop enjoying HEVC.

    Well, i hope hardkernel is pushing HiFi Shield so that this issue can be sorted out fast. It would also give me the use case for my car.

  • I just got my Odroid C2 and loaded the unofficial LibreELEC on it. This is by far the BEST LibreELEC experience. I loaded it unto the EMMC... The OS loads within seconds. The navigation is very smooth, and it plays any file that I throw at it.

    I have Kodi running on a Raspbreey Pi 2, MXIII 4K, and my Apple TV... but this little Odroid is by far the best platform to run Kodi on (with LibreELEC of course).

    I really hope that the LibreELEC developers allocate some of their resources into making an official build of LE since the Odroid C2 user base is growing, and its by far the fastest platform to run LE on.

    Edited once, last by iOSID (May 11, 2016 at 4:00 PM).

  • After much hesitation I bought the C2 from our local distributor. Awaiting delivery now. Hope it lives up to its name...
    Are there any results for tests done on those jellyfish test video clips?

  • Official build of LibreELEC (Krypton) v7.90.010 ALPHA works good for me.
    But I'd like to use LVM2 inside Docker container. For LVM Device Mapper support in kernel is required.
    I've checked that this build uses kernel from GitHub - LibreELEC/linux-amlogic: the Linux kernel for Amlogic SoC devices
    (with device mapper turned off in kernel config)
    and got crazy idea to compile it with kernel from Hardkernel GitHub - hardkernel/linux at odroidc2-3.14.y

    Has anyone tried? What can go wrong? ;)

  • Official build of LibreELEC (Krypton) v7.90.010 ALPHA works good for me.
    But I'd like to use LVM2 inside Docker container. For LVM Device Mapper support in kernel is required.
    Has anyone tried? What can go wrong? ;)

    I have recompiled LibreELEC v7.90.010 with device-mapper enabled in kernel. LVM no longer complains (haven't tried to use hardkernel kernel...)
    But now I don't see devices created by LVM for logical volumes.
    Is /dev tree managed by host system in Docker and changes from inside container (even --privileged one) are not visible? But I guess it's more Docker related question than LibreELEC related :)

  • Why do you want to use lvm? Overlayfs is really the best solution for use on LibreELEC.

    Otherwise you have to have lvm create loop images and whatever and it's just not ideal.

    Well, I have a media collection on external USB disk partitioned with LVM for ease of reallocating space between volumes.
    Now it's connected to RPi and I'm accessing it via NFS (also backups from all computers in the house go there via NFS).
    I'd like to use Odroid-C2 both as media player and NFS server for external disk. So I tried to install LVM support in Docker container 'cause I've read that's the way to go if I want to have something non-standard in LibreELEC.

    Maybe I should give up Docker and try to fork LibreELEC and extend it with LVM and NFS server support...

  • You don't need LVM support in docker (we don't even build it in anyway)

    You can mount directories into your docker containers, so even if your container runs your nfs server, etc. You can just mount directories from the host inside it.

    Basically the graph driver dictates what the container layers are stored on (btrfs, overlayfs, lvm, etc) We use ext4 so overlayfs works perfectly with that.

    You don't need LVM support in docker in order to use LVM formatted disk, however, we don't support LVM on the host system either.

  • You don't need LVM support in docker in order to use LVM formatted disk, however, we don't support LVM on the host system either.

    I'd love to have LVM support in the host system. I only tried to do this in docker because it seemed easier than changing host system...

    I know that I should probably use Ubuntu instead of libreelec but it's not so easy to have so fine tuned kodi there like the one ready to use in libreelec :)

  • I'd love to have LVM support in the host system. I only tried to do this in docker because it seemed easier than changing host system...

    I know that I should probably use Ubuntu instead of libreelec but it's not so easy to have so fine tuned kodi there like the one ready to use in libreelec :)

    Then don't use LVM because well, it's really not needed ;)

  • I have an issue with using an external DAC with LibreELEC on my oDroid C2. There will be pops and cuts in the sound when using it, no matter which sample rate. The model is a NAD D-1050. I have a sneaking suspicion it's a kernel issue. When i use my older and inferior DAC from nuForce i can get the pops and cuts to disappear by messing with the settings, it's kind of intermittent but at least i can get it to work after a while. I'd love to be able to use my better DAC though. I'm not really expecting there will be a quick fix for this, but if someone has had similar issues i'd be interested if you've fixed it; and if so how you did it.

  • The only fix I've found as yet is to use a HDMI splitter and take the spdif out of that to the DAC. Both the C2's USB output or native spdif (using hifi-shield) output have clicks and pops.

    As far as I can gather it's an Amlogic kernel bug. When or if it will get fixed is anyone's guess ...

  • The only fix I've found as yet is to use a HDMI splitter and take the spdif out of that to the DAC. Both the C2's USB output or native spdif (using hifi-shield) output have clicks and pops.

    As far as I can gather it's an Amlogic kernel bug. When or if it will get fixed is anyone's guess ...

    Hi. I've seen a very helpful thread at USB Waveio (xmos) clicks odroid C2 : Bug reports - Page 4 - Volumio
    Basically, I had to set CPU affinity for the second (#1) CPU for the USB IRQ (63) handling as a temporary workaround.

    echo "echo 1 > /proc/irq/63/smp_affinity_list" >> /storage/.config/autostart.sh 
    chmod +x /storage/.config/autostart.sh

    However, that was not ideal, as there is another issue of some CPUs being rebooted (resetting the affinity setting) because of temperature reading bug.

    I am going to post my problems atOdroid C2 LibreELEC forum now. There is already a discussion on Odroid forum started by Volumio maintainer: ODROID Forum • View topic - USB Audio, a real problem? I'll probably create separate posts here for both the USB DAC and the CPU shutdown issues.

    Edited once, last by mikek (February 12, 2017 at 6:16 PM).