Update URL/channel for nightly builds

  • There have been no new builds sice June 4th (last nightly in test.libreelec.tv is 20210604-f6b7711), although the github page has 15-20 newer comments since then. Did something happen in the build system?


    That build is actually from June 2nd, because this is when commit f6b7711 was made.

  • There have been no new builds sice June 4th (last nightly in test.libreelec.tv is 20210604-f6b7711), although the github page has 15-20 newer comments since then. Did something happen in the build system?


    That build is actually from June 2nd, because this is when commit f6b7711 was made.

    The releases.json isn't automatic, so it's whenever I decide to run it right now.

  • jim_p is talking about the uploaded images, not the release file. Latest image is 4 days ago.

    Regarding the releases.json: Is there a reason running it manually or would a cronjob also work?

  • lrusak

    I know about releases.json and that it has not been there for weeks now. As flubshi said, I am talking about the images.

    I was sooo bored today that I upgraded nightly 20210602-f6b7711 to nightly 20210604-f6b7711, although it is practically the same.

  • Has the up.legg.ga repository shut down? It was working yesterday, but today its releases.json shows no images for x64. Moreover, there are no images for x64 (and other architectures) in test.libreelec.tv, so I assume there may be some issue with the build system.

    Right now I am on 20210809-082c799 since Tuesday.

  • We changed to LE11 and you likely track LE10 nightlies that stopped now.

    The LE11 builds are not really usable yet.

    I noticed that all the images now have "11" at their names. A few days ago, only the ones for rpi4 did.
    The server at up.legg.ga still lists those le 11 updates under the le 10 "branch".

  • strange we haven't merged yet anything that should stop them

    but there are no addons available yet for LE11 (intentionally) maybe there are some problems

    I did not have time to analyze deeply but the kernel log complained about writing error to i2c related to DVB-T stick (even after unplug / plug and even after reboot).

    Edit - with LE 11 Nightly 20210819 it works again but kernel log is quickly filling with: rpivid feb10000.codec: PPS changed (seen in past, on LE 10 Nightly 20210808 it was rare)

    Edited 3 times, last by ghtester (August 19, 2021 at 3:55 AM).

  • The server at up.legg.ga still lists those le 11 updates under the le 10 "branch".

    Please switch from unofficial up.legg.ga to official test.libreelec.tv. My site was just a workaround when there was no update file at test.libreelec.tv.

    Since it is working now, I will turn off up.legg.ga soon.

  • I was away for some days and I lost some nightly releases. I noticed that there are 2 files now (for x86_64), one that has "-devel" in its name and one that has "-nightly".

    What are their differences?

  • And he did that for ALL architectures/sbcs? Last time that devel build was updated was on August 30th (and on 29th for some architectures), unlike the nightly which was updated yesterday.

    Anywya, I am busy setting up my stable le 10 installation from scratch and I will soon move away from the nightlies :/