How to start a terminal on LibreELEC?

  • The Kodi GUI does not have a SSH entrance, but the LibreELEC Settings Add-on has SSH settings.

    The Generic build used to have a "invisible" terminal option, but that is currently not available.

    The usual way is to access your Kodi device from an external SSH connection.

  • Addon System Tools from LibeELEC Add-ons Repository.

    See video Terminal on LibreELEC.

    The add-on "System Tools" says "This is a console-only addon" or something like that when I try to start it. The video is unavailable, so if there was some extra information there, I don't have it.

    I am looking for a terminal emulator to launch within Kodi. ChatGPT said there should be "Terminal" add-ons in the repo, but I could not find any.

  • The terminal add-on in our repo allows you to access an SSH console from a browser. Or you can do things the normal way and use any SSH client from any OS. There is no terminal within the Kodi GUI at all, and no plan to ever add one. ChatGP is not infallable.