Can someone post without approvement?

  • This is a real question despite chewitt just delete my old thread:

    Is this normal in this forum? I never experience something like that and really need to say that it annoys me a lot.

    Does this just happens to some users or to all? What is the propose of this? Why can't it work like anywhere else where you can just post and it's accesible for other users to read?

    Kindly approved by Iridium (who just delete/disapproved another critical post he didn't like :rolleyes:)


    This signature will remain inaccessible for others until approved by the great Chinese firewall. :evil:

    Edited 3 times, last by userfame (April 6, 2020 at 12:38 PM).

  • And now my signature get's shown everywhere even when disabled... Weird times here /shrug

    I know, sometimes critic can hurt - sorry for that...


    This signature will remain inaccessible for others until approved by the great Chinese firewall. :evil:

    Edited 2 times, last by userfame (April 6, 2020 at 7:18 PM).

    • Official Post

    This is a moderated forum. What YOU think is acceptable may not be acceptable to others. You agreed to our terms and conditions when you signed on. If you don't like, or disapprove with the moderation, then please feel free to find another forum for your rants.

    BTW: As you have brought yourself to the attention of LE moderators, any additional posts will get a lot more attention than other posters.

  • This is a moderated forum.

    Like all this other forums I'm on - no difference despite here goes everything thru censorship upfront which this topic is about. So I'm asking here why are things like that? Is the server location china or the content mafia threatening this forum? Why are these radical measurements needed here?

    What YOU think is acceptable may not be acceptable to others.

    And here comes the funny thing. I thought all of my posts are acceptable - and oh wonder - they are! All past the censorship team - despite this one*, chewitt wasn't accepting this thread here and trashed the first version of it. But then comes Iridium and is fine with it - I guess like everybody else. Why not? Are we talking about secrets here? Only chewitt knows - maybe he will tell us and enlighten us?

    BTW: As you have brought yourself to the attention of LE moderators, any additional posts will get a lot more attention than other posters.

    What does this mean exactly? Now it will takes 2 days that my posts are get published?


    This signature will remain inaccessible for others until approved by the great Chinese firewall. :evil:

    *and one more actually Iridium didn't like. Why? I don't know because it complied with the rules...

  • All posts (and edits) from new forum users that contain URL links are subject to approval, because it's a fairly simple way to stop spam bots from posting garbage. You seem to have taken offense to this, and instea of posting a question about it, started posting garbage threads to complain. The reason I deleted your thread - was because it was not necessary, your post(s) had been approved (by me) and even an answer to an on-topic question had been provided. If you want to pick a fight with mods that's your call..

  • they just want to reject some spam bots and sensitive topics. why so serious?