If the cable works fine with RPi Zero, so should it with MK808B+. U-boot probably has no meaning here. Everything cec-related is logged in kernel log (dmesg). You can also post fw_printenv | paste here so that I can see if CEC is enabled in u-boot env.
[] LibreELEC 8.0 for S805
kszaq -
October 28, 2016 at 10:45 PM -
Thread is Unresolved
I had the same issue with my MK808B+ and as kszaq said I replaced my mini HDMI cable that came with it with a known working one and using the adapter CEC worked fine.
Yes, this indicates that it should be on: cecconfig=cecf
Yes, this indicates that it should be on: cecconfig=cecf
hum I will check the dmesg log then, to see further if any inputs are registered, and maybe I'll post here if I can't solve by myself... but I find it odd that I never got the message from Pulse 8 like I do in the raspberry...
base_08 In my builds these messages are turned off unless there's an error.
You also have to know that CEC in Amlogic 3.10 devices (such as S805) is a bit buggy and may not work with all TVs.
base_08 In my builds these messages are turned off unless there's an error.
You also have to know that CEC in Amlogic 3.10 devices (such as S805) is a bit buggy and may not work with all TVs.
Yes, I see... maybe that's the case I'll try my system on another TV capable of CEC with other devices... anyway I have here the dmesg: WPXX and I find several entries with CEC but I can't interpret...
Hello friends, I try to create the compilation of libreelec for S805 but it lacks a file and generates errors in the compilation, I attach the captures and I have also manually searched for the file with the url that it shows in the console and indicates file not found.
jfcruz Should be fixed now, please try again.
LibreELEC 8.2 for Amlogic S805 devices.
Thank you very much for supporting LE to the S805 devices.
I am testing 8.2 in a m200 board (chinese K1). Graphics and sound are OK and interface runs smoothly. WiFi connection is not detected (AP6210) but Realtek USB network device is always a good resort.
Currently booting from SD card and investigating how to upload to the nand memory (u-boot is hard to manage). I will inform about the next testing milestones...
jfcruz - I had the same problem last night building for S905 aarch64 (qcaxxx-firmware) -- I ended up modifying a package file to pull the firmware from a different location than kszaq's (it was already in there but commented out) -- Stumped me for a bit but google'd around for a solution.
Milestone 1: u-boot configured to boot from nand and installtointernal OK. WiFi is rightly detected (I don't know, but it is working OK as RTL8188EUS).
Next step is to configure the a PVR to use the DVB-S2 module. Any recomendation about PVR client?
After investigating a while, I notice that there is no any /dev/dvb driver to manage the DVB-S2 module... Fortunately, I have found the missing dvb firmware running in an old OE distro under /lib/firmware/dvb-fe-avl6211.fw (nothing similar at dvb-firmware/firmware at master · LibreELEC/dvb-firmware · GitHub).
I am wondering what is the best way to include the .fw file and if any other file is needed to populate the firmware in the image. Is it so simple as a pull request to the firmware repo? kszaq , can you assist me with this issue?
agm342 Firmware is not enough, you need a kernel driver. If it's a built-in tuner, I'm afraid there is no support for them in S805 builds.
Thanks for your answer
It seems firmware file was already committed years ago. The kernel driver is 5 days old!
Is there a beam of light? Will be available at LE8 or LE9?
There is no driver for built-in tuners for S805.
kszaq, do you mean there is no chance to use s805 internal tunner on LibreELEC? I have dvb-T2 tunner, not S2 in my box.
Sorry, but there is no support for any built-in tuner for S805 that I can add to my builds.