I am setting up a MariaDB server as a shared library for my LibreELEC boxes.
All boxes (currently 2 RPi's) are on exactly the same LibreELEC version.
I setup the first box to use the shared library and added each media source, as well as, setup the scrappers for each media source (the "This directory contains" setting).
I setup the second box to use the shared library and made sure to add the same media sources, but the scrapper settings are set to none (the "This directory contains" setting).
Does the scrapper settings (the "This directory contains" setting) not get shared between boxes?
Should I only have one box setup to do metadata scrapping?
I understand from reading some of the kodi.wiki site that the shared library contains the watch status/progress and media metadata.
I did dig through the MariaDB database labelled "MyVideos116" and found in the "path" table there is fields labeled "strContent" and "strScraper".
These fields contain the content type I set on the first LibreELEC box and the scraper I set to collect/set media metadata.
I am confused as to why this data/setting are in the shared library, but do not propagate to other LibreELEC boxes.
Thanks in advance for help understanding this confusion.