Unable to reply to forum thread

  • Dear forum administrators

    I am unable to reply to the Thoradia Add-ons thread

    Can you help me with this?


    Well, sometimes I can reply to a thread, and other times I can not

    For example, I could reply to the Thoradia Add-ons thread after I created this thread

    But now, I can not reply to either

    This is weird and confusing

  • Is it you can't post - or the posts take a while to appear?

    If the latter, then it's probably due to the heavy authentication that has been put on the website due to the recent Chinese Spamfest. So much so that "some" posts require authorisation before they are displayed. There seems to be no logic behind it - I must admit but someone is working on it.

    If you require further clarification, maybe CvH can update you further.