RPi4 GPIO using in LibreELEC

  • I've been installed a power button and a status LED on my RPi3B+. This works for RPi4B, too. After SSH login, you can use the nano editor to create or edit all necessary files.

    Power Button Hardware Part

    Use GPIO03 (Pin #05) and the opposite Ground (Pin #06) to connect a push button for power on / off.

    Power Button Scripting Part

    Add dtoverlay=gpio-shutdown to config.txt.

    Switching off will let the shutdown menu appear.

    To shutdown instantly instead, create this /storage/.kodi/userdata/keymaps/keyboard.xml:


    Status LED Hardware Part

    Use GPIO13 (Pin #33) and the opposite Ground (Pin #34) to connect an LED. Also use a resistor with 330 Ohms or more.

    Status LED Add-On Part

    Install the Raspberry Pi Tools add-on to use the GPIO programming library in Python.

    Status LED Scripting Part

    The status LED will be triggered from autostart.sh, which calls the Python script status_led.py . It will switch off automatically at shutdown, no script action required for this part.

    Create this /storage/.config/autostart.sh :

        python /storage/scripts/status_led.py
    ) &

    Create this /storage/scripts/status_led.py :


  • Thank you for this procedure. I did all from the list, use the same GPIO pin and it´s working. Thank you for your help :thumbup:

    More informations about this project:

    Raspberry Pi4 case with LED power button by Foxbiker - Thingiverse

    How it´s work:

    External Content www.youtube.com
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    Edited once, last by Foxbiker: Aditional informations (August 17, 2019 at 6:16 PM).

  • Da Flex

    Thank you for linking your work on the other post.

    1. Can I add "dtoverlay=gpio-shutdown" in config.txt from SD card while it's plugged to desktop using Notepad++

    2. The pin 33 and pin 34 will work for ON/OFF plus led status?

    3. For the executed command (chmod +x ), is there a way without the need command from terminal? Like, right click the file (.py & .sh) and change something in Properties?

    is "/storage" mean there's a folder inside SD card name "/storage"?

    Edited once, last by cat2115 (January 15, 2020 at 6:19 PM).

  • 1. Can I add "dtoverlay=gpio-shutdown" in config.txt from SD card while it's plugged to desktop using Notepad++


    2. The pin 33 and pin 34 will work for ON/OFF plus led status?

    No, that's just for the LED. Use pin 5 and 6 for the power button. If you only want the power button, then you can ignore the LED part.

    3. For the executed command (chmod +x ), is there a way without the need command from terminal? Like, right click the file (.py & .sh) and change something in Properties?

    On a Linux PC (maybe OSX, too), making files executable by right-click-option should work fine. You maybe need root status to do this. I'm not 100% sure whether chmod +x is necessary, so you can try it without this step first.

    is "/storage" mean there's a folder inside SD card name "/storage"?

    When you plug the microSD card into your desktop PC, then the /storage folder will be represented by the STORAGE partition.

  • Hello friends ! for two days i am trying to put the power button on my rpi 4b + libreelec 9.02 following this tutorial but it is not working! I need help, I did everything as described so I could not put the files as executable because the command described generates an error !! what do I need to do? when I press the push button nothing happens!

    Foxbiker and Da Flex

    Edited once, last by Allissonhsp (April 10, 2020 at 2:02 PM).

  • Hello friends ! for two days i am trying to put the power button on my rpi 4b + libreelec 9.02 following this tutorial but it is not working! I need help, I did everything as described so I could not put the files as executable because the command described generates an error !! what do I need to do? when I press the push button nothing happens!

    Foxbiker and Da Flex

    Please show the command you try and the error message you get.

  • Da Flex I found the power button problem! first I had to update the boot firmware, then it started working to restart, looking in the forum I found the error in the instruction dtoverlay = gpio-shutdown is wrong, it should be written: dtoverlay gpio-shutdown so it worked! now the led script is not working! I don't know why he doesn't perform!

  • Da Flex Before updating the firmware, the command for wakeup did not work, but after I updated the bootloader, I turned the LE off and when I used the power button it turned on, but it didn't! after I changed the command “dtoverlay” as described above he started to turn LE off by the power button! but now the led script is not working! I would like help! do you have a log where you can see if the script is being executed by autostart.sh?

  • I updated the boot firmware and not the LE!

    That's what I mean, too. LE updates include boot firmware updates, whenever necessary.

    You can verify script execution by creating a file. Do an internet research to learn how to do so.

    I can only continue to help you, if you answer my questions. Investing energy to get the latest boot firmware, but ignoring LE updates is a mismatch to me. LE updates are more important to get stability and best performance.

    If you did a typo like at chmod +x, you should inform us about it's correction. Other users will benefit while reading the thread.

  • Mario77 No, the dtoverlay implementation only does the shutdown, no reset by long-press. I did a test to be sure.

    Here is the original implementation that I used before dtoverlay. You can implement reset by long-press easily from there:

  • Da Flex

    Thanks for your reply..

    That's a shame.

    So if I understand correctly..

    connections are gpio 3 and ground for switch and gpio 13 and ground for led..no transistors involved to run led?Perhaps it might need a resistance?Is there enough power in gpio 13 to run LED?