V.7.02 and older - Failure to reconnect USB media

  • :arrow: Bug notes:
    - After boot everything is working fine. The bug(s) reoccurs every time after suspend and consists in:
    - The usb hard drives connected via usb do not reconnect.
    - Sometimes the busy icon with "waiting" it is displayed indefinitely
    - When issued a "reboot" command from menu, nothing happens.
    - The same behaviour it was noticed in the previous version 6
    - Exactly the same h/w config works fine under older OpenElec (v.6) and Ubuntu 14.04

    HTPC: Zotac ID41 with Atom D525 @1.8GHz, 4GB DDR3 Ram, 120GB SSD, Nvidia ION
    Specs: ZOTAC International Limited ID41-U Specs - CNET

    2x hard drive bays by Mediasonic connected to USB2 via a USB hub or connected individually at dedicated USB ports
    Specs: Mediasonic

    Software: Running LibreELEC v.7.0.2

    At boot: System boots via a grub menu selectable to LibreELEC or Ubuntu 14.04
    Selecting Ubuntu, Kodi 16.1 works fine all the time, after suspend the drives connect OK, there are no issues.
    Selecting LibreELEC, everything is working fine, no issue until suspend. Once the wake-up command was send from remote and LibreELEC wakes, it fails to reconnect to hard drives regardless if the hard drives bays are connected via USB hub or to dedicated USB ports from HTPC.
    This behaviour it occurs every single time after suspend but it is working fine in Ubuntu and OpenELEC 6.

    After boot when everything is working:
    dmesg | pastebinit --> IQTj
    lspci | pastebinit --> KVbI
    lsusb | pastebinit --> HjWW

    After suspend and wakeup, the drives do not connect:
    dmesg | pastebinit --> dFWE
    lspci | pastebinit --> SEgK
    lsusb | pastebinit --> PhNB

    After disconnecting the hard drives from usb hub and connecting them to dedicated usb ports, still no hard drive connection. Issued reboot command from menu, nothing happens.
    dmesg | pastebinit --> WTOi

    Hard Reboot all OK, suspend and after wakeup, there is no hard drives connection and sometimes the busy icon with "waiting" and wheel turning is present indefinitely and the remote control and mouse are irresponsive:
    dmesg | pastebinit --> KaiR
    lspci | pastebinit --> NSZX
    lsusb | pastebinit --> McYI

    The LibreELEC log file; see attached or Dropbox - Kodilog

    Please let me know if I could provide any other info or test.

  • It has passed more than a week and this page was accessed more than 40 times but it seems everyone is shy to look into it.
    I have done some reading and I understand that the problem of usb drives not connecting most likely comes from the kernel used and it has to do with usbcore by shutting/wakening before or after the proper timing.
    However, it seems to be unknown why in OpenElec 6.03 with the same kernel does not have these issues.

    The issues of Libre not rebooting from menu or the endless "waiting" sign, both problems exhibiting after suspend seem to be from Libre itself. I understood from my reading that with proper scripts and settings altered, these problems should be fixed but I do not know how and where to try it.
    I am willing to test whatever scripts/methods I am given but please let's look into it and make the 7.02 truly stable.

    As a future hope, I have took another SSD and installed LibreElec 7.90.006 alpha and all problems disappeared, unfortunately is not stable. But let's not forget that Libre 7.02 is released as STABLE but with aforementioned problems.

    Edited once, last by DigitALL (October 10, 2016 at 2:25 PM).

  • The 7.0.x line is dead and no further enhancements will be made (other than add-on updates)

    7.90.x (LE 8.0) will continue to be updated and improved. Although it is marked alpha, it has been stable for some months now.

  • So basically we could say you will leave the current release "stable" 7.02 with bugs for few months to come or whenever the current beta will become final?
    Why there is no such statement somewhere so people will not try to fix and provide useless reports for the current release?

  • With all due respect...but LE 7.0.2 was our first release. So I would ask for some patience.

    Development has to go further and not backwards. At a point the devs have to stop working on a current release and focus on the new version. Kodi itself behaves the same way. There will not be any other Kodi 16 release than the current one. If there would have been a Kodi 16.2 there might have been a LE 7.0.3, and that might be a version that has the fix for you.

    Now you say, that the above thing is not working for you but it's working with 7.90.006. You say that 7.90.006 is not stable for you but you don't mention what your problem is exactly. Development is currently at those version and not telling what exactly your problem is with 7.90.006 won't fix your issue (whatever that might be).

    Now you have 2 options:

    1. Wait untill the current Alphas will be stable; probably with your problems not fixed and then complaining why we still release a buggy version. Note, that there will be less development on the next release after it's released, because development has to go further again.

    2. Report what issues you have with current alphas, as this would really help to make things better. So the devs are able to release a less buggy version.

    Your choice, which way would fit best for you ;)

  • Thank you for your elaborate reply DaVu. It seems fair so that I will focus on 7.90.00x. I will install it, import the library and will report any bugs I may encounter in the future.
    I wish you all success in this new release!

    Edited once, last by DigitALL (October 11, 2016 at 1:32 PM).