Issue with Write-Acces,External HDD

  • Hi,I have problem with Write acces,I guess. I install a Jdownloader+Docker and I set the download path to: /var/media/plm/pobrane

    And I download 1 file 2gb and I think everything is ok.But its not.Today I want to download bigger File and I have error: Skipped disk is full. I found this first file what I download and its not on my External disk,its in: /storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/service.system.docker/docker/overlay2/1c504b23cecc92d48c19887ca3b1f8ec0571622d5028ac8f63627cc3c6424c28/diff/var/media/plm/pobrane

    I`m using Rpi 4 and disk is ntfs.How to fix it?

  • Hi,

    I have the same problem. I downloaded a jre for ARM from liberica and executed the jdownloader.jar. I configure it with the web interface to set the download folder to /media/myExternalDrive and noticed that jdownloader considers the disk full (which is not the case)

    I believe I have a rights issue but I do not understand why. the jdownloader process is launch through the command line with the root account.

    any idea?


  • i am sorry to dig up this issue but i am still having problems

    so i have the same problem and i think it has something to do with the folder mapping as "Da Flex" said. However , googling the issue i didn't really find anything...

    jdownloader just refuses to store anything on the external USB drive

    this is the command i used to start and change the default download path to my external drive

    docker run -d --restart=always -v ~/var/media/[EXTERNAL DRIVE NAME]:/root/Downloads -v ~/jdownloader/cfg:/opt/JDownloader/cfg --name jdownloader -u $(id -u) jaymoulin/jdownloader

    the files downloaded are stored not on the external drive but in a dummy directory which was obviously created: ./var/media/[EXTERNAL DRIVE NAME]

    sorry i am still learning Linux and i feel like there is a very obvious mistake i am missing :/ any help would be much appreciated

  • Try to use this command without ~ before var 😉

    docker run -d --restart=always -v /var/media/[EXTERNAL DRIVE NAME]:/root/Downloads -v ~/jdownloader/cfg:/opt/JDownloader/cfg --name jdownloader -u $(id -u) jaymoulin/jdownloader

  • phob08 :

    LE creates a symbolic link (symlink) for every connected (and mountable) external storage medium.

    External storage access always has to go over such a symlink.

    But that's a problem for JDownloader, it can't access files beyond such a symlink.

    The easiest solution for you is not to use an external drive as a destination of JDownloader files. Use internal storage instead.