[RPi4] 3D MVC Not Working

  • there might be a special build of LibreElec

    Long ago the LE team said that 3D-MVC is going to come for the Pi4. They just didn't have a timeline. IIRC it had something to do with the Raspbian kernel being updated to the Linux 5.X line because of the new video drivers or something to that effect, and apparently that hasn't happened yet.

  • Im' so disappointed by this. Just bought pi4 to increase quality of my home cinema, and things have disappeared, like 3D MVC.

    I'm so angry (against me : I really should avoid to trust people and technology "progress") that I'm not far to stop raspberry and buy something else.

  • Sinisan The Pi is more than a video playback device that should be clear. Only for this purpose there are far better devices out there. However, 3D is not in focus anymore that's why developpers do not put effort anymore into this feature.

  • Sinisan The Pi is more than a video playback device that should be clear. Only for this purpose there are far better devices out there. However, 3D is not in focus anymore that's why developpers do not put effort anymore into this feature.

    Dear Bassman,

    Thank you for your answer.

    "The Pi is more than a video playback device" : I've been using Pi as video playback devices for years without problems. And if it's more, it can do this at least. And it looks like this forum is "LibreELEC", a distribution dedicated to Kodi ? :)

    "there are far better devices out there" : could you tell me more ? what devices could you advise me ? it looks like I will change :)

    "However, 3D is not in focus anymore that's why developpers do not put effort anymore into this feature." : I can understand, but the problem is regression. This was fully functional since years, and now, it isn't. It's strange to improve things and remove things.

    Thank you for your help.

  • It happens all the time. 3D support is no longer a thing for new TVs, 3.5mm audio jacks being removed from mobile phones, full spare tyres from new cars...

    If you want. But :

    - For audio jacks, you can find adapters. Not all people with 3,5mm jacks headphones have to change it. In addition, we can "understand" the reason : take less place, less energy... how explain to remove things in Kodi ? code too long ?

    - Full spare tyres : without speaking about cars with it (as an option sometime), we have to know that "run flat" tires have been created. So the need is less important, while the "functionality" is still here.

    But I understand it's my problem, and I have to find solution by myself, probably no more with Libreelec. What a shame : I really like this project, but c'est la vie.

    Thank you for your help.

  • I'm not one of the developers, so there is nothing I can assist in that area.

    "Use the right tools for the job" is one of those mottos. If that means having to go (back) to a RPi-3B+ for proper 3D mvc usage, then so be it.

    Team Kodi and LE have seen their teams been reduced with a couple of members, not in least with mr. Milhouse recently stepping down. I understand that the RPi-4 is a totally different animal, it's not a bigger copy of the RPi3 gpu, with also the Raspberry Pi team needing to do their bit when it comes to new video drivers etc. The whole development process has slowed down. Of course it's something we had rather not seen happening.

  • I'm not one of the developers, so there is nothing I can assist in that area.

    "Use the right tools for the job" is one of those mottos. If that means having to go (back) to a RPi-3B+ for proper 3D mvc usage, then so be it.

    Team Kodi and LE have seen their teams been reduced with a couple of members, not in least with mr. Milhouse recently stepping down. I understand that the RPi-4 is a totally different animal, it's not a bigger copy of the RPi3 gpu, with also the Raspberry Pi team needing to do their bit when it comes to new video drivers etc. The whole development process has slowed down. Of course it's something we had rather not seen happening.

    I understand. I hope new people will join the team : projects like Libreelec and Kodi are things that help lots of people, and things that make you find a good side of people :)

    I have a nice Raspberry Pi4 4gb to sell :)

  • Sinisan, you asked about other devices so I will share what I have here. I have a Zidoo x9s, Zappiti 4k (both the 2016 models bought used), rpi3b+, rpi4, shield, and am considering a vero 4k+. I also have an LG 3D TV and a Epsn 3D 4k projector.Firstly, they all play sbs/ou fine, but then, pretty much everything plays sb/ou fine, even my ancient WDTV. Because every 3D TV and projector out there can combine the two screens on their own so the player doesn't do any of the work.

    Now for 3D MVC, the only 3D worth watching in my opinion as it's half quality on my TV and full 2x1080p, ie both eyes are full 1080P quality on my projector.The Zidoo and Zappiti both play 3D MVC fine with Atmos and DTSX but HDR support is only at 8 bit I believe and not 10 bit, and the user interfaces/UI are painfully slow. And I mean PAINFULLY SLOW. They can also handle the 4k pretty well. The rpi3 plays 3D MVC fine, fast UI, but no Atmos or DTSX or HDR support and none will ever come because the hardware can't handle it.

    Enter the rpi4, which has the hardware for it but not the software...yet. The shield has no 3D MVC support and at least came out and said they have absolutely no plans to support it. But the shield plays 4k stuff on it's Kodi add on beautifully and it's my go to for 4k content. And I use the Zappiti for all my 3d content, because i love it's poster wall. I just have to turn it on 5 minutes before I actually plan to watch something and it's a royal pain to set up with internet and registering requirements just to use it.

    My Zidoo eventually died during an update (beware) and was bricked. Of course no support from the Chinese co. who sell this thing. But it was good enough while it worked. The new z9s does the same thing but with a faster interface but after my experience I wouldn't touch it. Zappiti's new stuff has tonnes of bugs and little to no support, they have even closed down their forum because it was so full of complaints, so I would never buy one of their new ones, especially at their high prices.

    Now the Vero 4k+ is a British product that has a very dedicated support team. It's 4k playback is great and UI is great. But it only supports 3D MVC on it's BETA os, it is not ready for main release. They are working on it and keep promising a full working 3D MVC 4k os but that has been in the works for over 2 years so who knows. It has a few bugs in it, mainly due to some titles not playing correctly on some TVs, but most people are happy with it and it is the current headrunner in the 3D MVC market. It is expensive though at $220 Cad compared with some of the others and especially with the $100 Cad rpi4.

    I currently use my rpi4 as a NAS running openMediaVault to feed media to the Shield and Zappiti and occasionally to run Retropie. I think the real problem with rpi and Libreelec is that they are very cheap, and free, respectively, and the people with the skills to code these can make a lot more money coding for other projects. This is basically a hobby for them, a very very very time consuming hobby. So we non-coders are basically at their mercy until they get around to writing the code, but then, who can blame them for taking so long when their skills are worth so much more. It's quite a cheek to ask someone to work for us for free, that's more of a Liberal Left Wing think. So if we really want it done, we need to donate, or find a rich benefactor. This is one reason I have been watching the Vero 4k+, they, at least, are making money on their product and therefore have the money and motivation to keep going.

    Yes it's long and not very articulate, but I also have skills that are worth more than monitoring forums pays:)

    Good luck.

    P.S. I love my rpi's, all 5 of them, and have no problem getting every cent out of them. One in my Arcade1up TMNT unit as a hacked arcade machine with 15,000 games, one as a remote Christmas light show program using FPP and Vixen, one as a media player for the kids room, one as a portable media player for my SUV, and one as a NAS/Kodi player for my living room. If you are in Canada, I would love to buy yours. They are a time consuming hobby, but so fun.

    Reading over this it sounds a little mean. Bottom line, yeah, it really sucks that the rpi4 doesn't support 3D MVC, it would have been the world leader and really really awesome.

    Edited once, last by troyapk (August 26, 2020 at 3:55 PM).

  • The thing is that LE is a free project based on KODI and 3D has become less and less important. So when you are able to develop 3D yourself on LE participate in the project, otherwise you cannot insist to get it. Simple as that

  • The thing is that LE is a free project based on KODI and 3D has become less and less important. So when you are able to develop 3D yourself on LE participate in the project, otherwise you cannot insist to get it. Simple as that

    I didn’t insist on anything. When the Pi4 came out they announced that 3D-MVC was going to be supported but they didn’t have a timeline.

    You are claiming that it isn’t going to happen. Do you work for LibreELEC? Was some announcement made that the plan has changed to not support 3-D?

    I’m not saying they should or shouldn’t. I would like it of course, but I still didn’t insist on anything. I’m asking if there’s been an official statement from them about the subject.

  • Sinisan, you asked about other devices so I will share what I have here...

    Dear troyapk, thank you very much for your help and your long answer. I read all what you wrote and took lot of informations. Thank you !

    I ordred a Vero 4K + and wait for it. I'll try. And use my new Pi4B for.. something else. Don't know what for the moment but will find :)

  • Hello

    I just boutgh a PI4 (to read x265 films) and know my 3D file aren't working.... After reading those post it's seem that 3D isn't preocupation of the moment... Bizarre this regression, i have been using PI with kodi and 3D files since a very very long time ....

    Some of you could tell me THE solution (change the PI4, migrate others distribution, ... )

    Thanks for advice ...

  • Bizarre this regression, i have been using PI with kodi and 3D files since a very very long time

    I don't think it's a regression. 3D has never worked on the Pi4 builds.....yet. It does still work on the Pi3 though. You just can't get 4K, HD audio etc that the the Pi4 is capable of.

    I too, am waiting anxiously for this feature for the Pi4 builds!