[RPi4] 3D MVC Not Working

  • I am running LibreELEC-RPi4.arm-9.1.001 on a Raspberry PI 4

    I ripped a 3D Blu-Ray using makemkv and named it with 3D_MVC so Kodi would know it was 3D (which it does)

    My projector uses frame-packed 3D which, as I understand it, is alternating frames of left and right and I have shutter-type glasses.

    3D works fine if I play the Blu-Ray on my DVD player, so I know the setup is correct.

    When played by Kodi the movie is shown in 2D. When the movie starts, Kodi asks me how to play the 3D and I pick "same as source" (or something like that) but it still shows in 2D

    My projector is 4K and Kodi is set up for 4K 60hz (using the hdmi_enable_4k in config.txt)

    Not sure what else I should be checking to get the 3D to play. I do have a Kodi log for the playback but I am not sure what to be looking for in it.

    Thanks in advance.

  • Yes Pi3 builds support 3D

    Does it matter which build i use whether it's v9.0 or 9.1?

    I assume the 9.1 is the latest and preferred build, but when you go to that page the 9.0 build (middle tab) is selected by default so I don't know what the difference is.


  • For anyone who wants to know, I originally installed v9.1 on the 3B+. When I ran 3D-MVC videos (possibly with all of them, but I didn't add anything but MVC to my Kodi library yet) the video would stutter/stop a lot and was not really usable.

    When i went into the update repositories and checked for LibreElec updates it said it found one, but it was the v9.02 version, which is actually a LOWER version number. I let it "update" the system and it ran stable after that.

    I'm guessing the v9.1 series is still beta maybe?

    Edited once, last by KaraokeAmerica (September 8, 2019 at 2:33 PM).

  • Hello there,

    what is the current state of 3D MVC capability on RPi4B? Has something had changed in the last three two months since the last post? Curious whether buying an RPi4B for 3D MVC is worth it already, or if it is still troublesome.

    Edited once, last by infinity85 (September 8, 2019 at 10:46 PM).

  • I'd also like to give my vote for "3D MVC capability on RPi4B"

    > 3D is not supported yet on the Pi4.

    > It will come but it's not the highest priority.

    Please consider to increase the priority of this nice and seldom feature :)

  • Desperately waiting for this feature. Bought the Rpi4 hoping for the ability to play 3d mvc and 4k but am stuck switching them back and forth. I know there are other things out there that will do both but rpi and libreelec combo is so superior to them in every other way imo. Hope this feature is still in the works. If it dies or stalls, please let us know.

  • What about TAB and SBS 3D on the Pi4?

    I have some of those that even when selecting 3D mode, it actually only plays a 2D version. It magically crops in to one of the images. I did notice though that the UI does output TAB UI display. Just not the video part.

  • To KA

    Sorry for the very late reply. Here is a list someone else compiled.

    You're sorry! It's been 6 months for me!

    I have seen that thread before and it has a lot of good info, especially if you want a ready to go box. However, my goal is to use an open source platform like LibreELEC to do this on a Pi.

  • Same question. It’s really insane how hard it is to find a reliable affordable box that does 3D & HD bit streaming. Rpi3 came close with rock solid 3D, but now I have an Atmos setup the lack of bitstreaming is a deal breaker. Pi4 with LibreELEC seems like it might be on track to provide both in an affordable package.

  • “but the display is still showing two images”

    I haven’t tried any of the millhouse builds yet because I am still using the Pi3B+. When the Pi4 has a release that supports 3-D I will start messing with it. I have tried the native LE build with 2D and it worked fine a few months back.

    When you say it’s still had to images are you talking about 3D-MVC?

  • but the display is still showing two images.

    I haven’t tried any of the millhouse builds yet because I am still using the Pi3B+. When the Pi4 has a release that supports 3-D I will start messing with it. I have tried the native LE build with 2D and it worked fine a few months back.

    When you say it’s still had to images are you talking about 3D-MVC?