[RPi4] 3D MVC Not Working

  • Sorry to resurrect an old thread but I'm really wanting to get mvc working on my pi4. I've tried the 9.2.8 version suggested but when booting the pi says the board requires newer software. Is there any way to get mvc on a pi4? Thanks

  • Sorry to resurrect an old thread but I'm really wanting to get mvc working on my pi4. I've tried the 9.2.8 version suggested but when booting the pi says the board requires newer software. Is there any way to get mvc on a pi4? Thanks

    That on a Pi3B+ and it seems to work fine. It’s not my primary 3-D player anymore, but that might help you.

  • LE 9.2.8 was released explicity to support RPi4 (Generic etc. stopped at LE 9.2.6) but "support" means the image boots/runs, it does not mean "all hardware features or RPi3 work on RPi4" and the LE 9.2.8 image will only boot on the original RPi4 hardware not newer iterations that need newer RPi firmware; although that can be fixed by copying files around. IIRC, even under LE 9.2.8 the RPi4 has never supported 3D because while many RPi4 chip features are intentionally similar/same to the RPi3, the GPU is different, and OMX etc. would need work to support it, which wasn't done for release (9.2.8 shipped the same day as RPi4 was unveiled) and then never happend once things moved to GBM/V4L2 etc. .. or something like that, I forget details now, this is some time ago!

  • I am confused because there are many posts about 3D MVC working on the Pi4 with older versions of LibreElec but the last post from chewitt says it as never worked.

    My pi 4 has been retired from Home Assistant and I wanted to use it for 3D MVC playback. I installed 9.2.8 and it was able to boot and play back movies in 2D probably because my pi4 is the first revision. 3D MKV is not working though at the moment. Do I need to make a configuration change or rename the files or does it really just not work on pi4?

  • The last post from chewitt says it as never worked.

    3D was implemented for the Videocore 3 GPU used on RPi0/1/2/3 (BCM2837) boards. RPi4 (BCM2711) has Videocore 4 and RPi5 (BCM2712) has Videocore 7 which are different GPU's and 3D has never been implemented for them. End of debate.