Common DVB-T DVB-S dvb-c topic

  • That's right, drivers for dvb-s2 / dvb-t2 are errors. the problem is with the dvb-s2 on the Polish channels with hotbird 13E
    It can help a programmer? I have a source drivers.

    Sorry for my English

    Edited once, last by segment (October 11, 2016 at 9:07 PM).

  • May be is the region? Another user have the same my problem with kIplus here in Italy.
    About 24p output, Kodi is set correctly. Now I updated to another build and 24p work ok without any change (updated don't lose settings).
    I noticed that when movie start, the system TRY to change frequency, but after a while it return to 60p. I have a Videoprojector and not a TV set.
    With tuner, if I start one of channel working, the frequency CHANGE at 50p. It's only the 24 P that don't work.
    I don't understand too...

  • May be is the region? Another user have the same my problem with kIplus here in Italy.
    About 24p output, Kodi is set correctly. Now I updated to another build and 24p work ok without any change (updated don't lose settings).
    I noticed that when movie start, the system TRY to change frequency, but after a while it return to 60p. I have a Videoprojector and not a TV set.
    With tuner, if I start one of channel working, the frequency CHANGE at 50p. It's only the 24 P that don't work.
    I don't understand too...

    What gui refresh rate use you?
    For me, when gui is 50hz, then have I problem's.
    At 60 Hz gui no problems.
    Maybe over android you have power output to amplifier, and with tvheadend/Libreelec you not turning on this option.
    And not forget, the 24P 2 mode exists: 23.976, and 24. Your Beamer support both?

  • I use 60p normally. I have a roof antenna with his amplifier. It don't need power from receiver, anyway from Android I don't have power out.
    My projector support 24 and 23.976, anyway with others build it work, so, why you ask me this?

    William Fanelli

  • For those with tuning problem, try using VDR instead tvheadend, I also had problems with tvheadend, finding muxes, channels in dvb-t, switching diseqc in dvb-s...etc, under VDR everything works just fine, I have one mixed list in pvr now, all channels from dvbt and dvbs, and I can switch between them without any problem.

    KI plus Libreelec

    Edited once, last by njofr@ (October 12, 2016 at 7:07 AM).

  • For those with tuning problem, try using VDR instead tvheadend, I also had problems with tvheadend, finding muxes, channels in dvb-t, switching diseqc in dvb-s...etc, under VDR everything works just fine, I have one mixed list in pvr now, all channels from dvbt and dvbs, and I can switch between them without any problem.

    KI plus Libreelec

    I will try with VDR...
    Ok, I installed VDR. It work, scan is ok, all channel is ok.
    But I have a couple of issue:
    1) EPG don't work, I have no info.
    2) Channel order is not correct.

    With tvhedend this thing was working, so....

    Someone can help me?

    Edited once, last by willyfan (October 12, 2016 at 11:18 AM).

  • Hello,

    I have installed LibreElec 004.2 on my K1 plus. Everything works fine, but i have minor glitches when watching DVB-S2 channels using OSCAM. I Use VDR and OSCam from the image. It seems like every x seconds some frames get dropped.
    Any idea how i can fix this ?



  • Now the EPG is working (I don't know what I done but work...).
    The last problem is order of channel. The order isn't not the LCN, and I can't assign a number manually t a channel.
    Somone know how modify the order?